The Jesus Commercial That Has Super Bowl LVIII Fans In An Uproar

The Jesus Commercial That Has Super Bowl LVIII Fans In An Uproar

As the commercial covers numerous controversial subjects, including religion, immigration, abortion, race relations, police brutality, poverty, climate change, and free speech, to name but a few — it has caused a little bit of a stir online. Several comments on X (formerly Twitter) in particular suggest disapproval with the ad and its message.

User Sovereign Brah accepts that Jesus washed people's feet, but also highlights that he called sinners to repent. The X user then goes on to infer that, rather than spreading peace and love, the commercial is somehow giving a thumbs up to sinning in general. A user who goes by the name William Wolfe shares a similar opinion while adding that Jesus also ate with sinners. Actor Kevin Sorbo also piled in with the words "Jesus doesn't affirm Sin."

Several users also state that Jesus washed his disciple's feet, and not a random cross-section of people from modern-day society. However, it is worth noting that such a line of thought may miss an important message that The Gospel was trying to convey.