Diablo 3: How To Move Into Group Play

Diablo 3: How To Move Into Group Play

Diablo has got a great platform for online gaming. The multiplayer arena of Diablo 3 can be enjoyed with a larger group of people. If you are looking forward to shifting from solo play to group play, this is how you can do it on Diablo 3.

Diablo: Prepare For Grouping

You need to keep in mind certain rules and preparations before starting to shift from solo to group.

  • Being nice: Never insult anyone for any reason. It won’t accomplish or prove anything.

  • Be knowledgeable: Keep an eye and be alert about the classes and specs you would play before joining others in a group.

  • Being friendly: In a group, communication plays an important role. Don’t stay reserved. Open up with your teammates. Chat with them, joke around and make more friends. This would help your co-players to play with you more frequently.

  • Have flexibility: Do not stick to your preference. Give others the chance to try out their favourite roles and characters and play in different GR levels. Be flexible in your approach and cooperate in playing with them. This way, you would invite your groupmates more easily for levels you like or choose characters and roles of your choice in Diablo group play. Cooperation plays a big role.

  • Be prepared: Always stay one step ahead, and prepare your characters with the right gear, specs, rerolls and augments.

  • Being helpful: Group play fundamentally depends upon cooperation, and hence helping each other out is another basic factor. During times of need, give your time to your teammates, who might need your help. This way, bonding between team members would become stronger, and they would also remember the favour.

Finding Teammates

To find teammates, you can go for various options

  • The easiest way of finding teammates is to add people with whom you had a great group play experience. Try to fill all the 200 available slots, as this would increase the chances of actively being online with you to play a group match with them.

  • Another method is by joining popular communities. Join an active clan, which can provide you with a community of players to team with. Popular communities tend to be online quite often.

  • Another way in which you find teammates is using Social Media. Places like Discord, Reddit, DiabloFans can provide you with a forum where you can communicate and find out your teammates or people who want to have you as your teammate.

  • Many streamers who go for Diablo streaming often ask for people to join their group play server. Keep an eye on these opportunities as well.

Best Practices

Maintain some practices, like sharing loot and Ramaladnis. For grouping, keep multiple characters and specs. Try to gamble quickly and put good loot in your stash. You can look after it later.

These are some points and ways you need to know before moving into group play in Diablo. For more gaming updates, click here.