Pokemon Go: How To Enter Promo Codes on iPhone 12

Pokemon Go: How To Enter Promo Codes on iPhone 12

If you have received a Pokemon GO promo code and wondering how to redeem the same, read this article where we share all the details on redeeming the promo code.

Redeem Pokemon GO Code

At times, many people are not actively playing or participating in Pokemon GO. Therefore, to invite these people back to Pokemon GO, Niantic offers them an exclusive promo code. This exclusive promo code goes to the registered email address and is linked with their account. But for a lot of people, (especially iPhone users), who play Pokemon GO, they come across an issue. Often, the Pokemon GO app does not provide the space and place to paste the promo code on the app. Usually, in Android, when they access the shop, there would be a promo code space. But this is not available for iPhone users. So how can iPhone users redeem the promo code?

iPhone users might not be able to redeem the coupon from the Pokemon GO shop. But there’s a website where they need to redeem this code. This website of Niantic Labs’ rewards offers everyone the space to redeem the code. To do this

  • Go to Niantic Labs’ Reward page

  • It will ask you to Sign In with Google, Facebook or Niantic Kids.

  • Login using your credentials. This account is important cause the email which received the Promo code needs to be linked to this ID.

  • Therefore, after signing in, you will get to see the window of Redeem offers.

  • On the page, you will see the box, where you will get to see Enter offer code.

  • The Promo code you got via mail needs to be attached to this dialogue box.

  • Paste the offer code and click on Submit.

  • Your promo code would be redeemed.

This is how you can enter and redeem promo codes in Pokemon GO. For more mobile gaming guides and updates, head here.