What does marnie like in Stardew Valley?

What does marnie like in Stardew Valley?

There are tons of things in Stardew Valley that make the game very interesting. One such thing is the ability to build relationships with the NPCs. Likewise, the game offers players the freedom to do what they want. Every character in the game has their own unique lines, quirks, likes, dislikes, etc. Thus, learning about each NPC as well as understanding their quirks can be pivotal to building a relationship. This article is regarding what Marnie likes in Stardew Valley.Marnie

The characters as well as their personalities are what makes the world of Stardew Valley lively. Thus, the game is excellent at enveloping you into its world. The game is available on a variety of platforms including Android, Linux, Nintendo Switch, macOS, iOS, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, and also on the PS Vita.

Who is Marnie in Stardew Valley?

There are a variety of unique NPCs in Stardew Valley. You can find different NPCs in different areas of the map. Marnie in particular is a village NPC who lives at her Ranch in the northeast area of the Cindersap Forest. Players can find this area near the southwest entrance to Pelican Town.Marnie

Marnie always runs her own shop at her own Ranch from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM each day of the week, except Monday and Tuesday. Players can therefore access her building door every day of the week. However, Marnie is usually unavailable at her shop except for her regular timings. Likewise, players can find Marnie selling animals as well as animal supplies in her shop.

Going to the main topic of this article, you can find out more details regarding what Marnie likes by reading below.

What does Marnie like in Stardew Valley?

It is important to know what Marnie likes in order to offer her gifts to build a relationship.

Here is a list of what Marnie loves:

1) All Universal Loves- Golden Pumpkin, Rabbit’s Foot, and Pearl.

2) Cooked Meals: Pink Cake, Pumpkin pie, and Farmer’s Lunch.

3) Diamond.

Here is a list of what Marnie likes:

1) All Universal Likes

2) All Eggs( Except Void Eggs)

3) All Milk

4) Quartz

This has been an article regarding what Marnie likes in Stardew Valley. You can read another informative article on Stardew Valley here.