NVIDIA NIS feature activation giving black screen to players: Is there any fix yet?

NVIDIA NIS feature activation giving black screen to players: Is there any fix yet?

The new NVidia Image Scaling feature is quite an amazing one since it improves the performance in-game and boosts it. But it has also caused a lot of issues to the players after use. Well, here is everything that we know about this new issue in the NIS feature –


NVidia Image Scaling or NIS is not new. This image scaling feature of the NVidia graphics cards has been here for a long time. But right now, it is available for anyone who wants it, and that is a major difference.

This has allowed the developers a lot of space to access and tweak the feature. In fact, the time is not far when we might start seeing Nvidia Image Scaling options built directly into the games, something that AMD’s FidelityFX Super Resolution has done a long time ago.

NIS Black screen issue

Now, to understand more about Nvidia’s Image Scaling features, you need to know about another graphics card known as the Deep Learning Super Sampling, or simply DLSS. NIS and DLSS are not the same since the latter uses the former’s powerful on-chip Tensor cores to deliver AI upscaling to images in real-time. And what is the result? Sharper and crispier video output with reduced visual glitches and errors.

What makes NIS different is the fact that it does not use AI to upscale the images. Instead, it uses a directional scaling algorithm with adaptive sharpening to upscale and enhance the images, and make them appear to be running at a higher resolution.

This is the reason why you might find the NIS images less crispy than those of DLSS. Now NVidia’s announcement of NIS as an open-source is simply a direct competition to AMD’s FidelityFX Super Resolution. But the truth is that NVidia is a step ahead of AMD given the fact that DLSS uses AI to enhance the images and it can use NVidia’s Tensor cores as well.


To be honest, we can’t consider Nvidia’s Image Scaling feature to be a great option to enhance and make the video output better. In fact, it is not too close to its sibling DLSS in any manner since the video outputs are simply a little hit and miss.

But, it does improve the gaming performance and boosts it. It might not help improve your visuals, but it can make a high difference in the performance of the games that you play. And we should not forget that NIS is available to a wide range of GPUs and can work with any game that you play. This is where AMD’s FidelityFX Super Resolution fails since it currently works with a limited number of titles only.

NIS Black screen issue

And given the fact that NVidia Image Scaling is completely free, you are not going to lose anything anyway!


Okay, so NIS might be a great performance enhancer, but it has been causing some issues for the players. As per the reports by the players, the NIS, when turned on, makes all the game screens go black.

Even if you try using the hotfix driver, you will end up with a black screen. A lot of players have mentioned that when they press the Windows button to bring up the taskbar, the game becomes visible. But it goes black screen once they return to the game. Well, this is a commonly reported problem with NVidia’s GTX750Ti.

According to a player, the devs mention the problem to be with the GTX750Ti card with the NIS feature. While there has been no official fox for this yet, some of the players have come up with certain solutions.

One of the solutions that have been reportedly solved this black screen issue is to use the Lossless scaling app. It has the NIS feature and works time with the GTX750Ti graphics card. Other than this, there are no possible solutions. We have to wait until the developers come up with any possible fix for it.

NIS Black screen issue

This was everything you need to know about NVidia Image Scaling and the issue related to it. Follow Digi Statement for more updates regarding this issue.