Where is the Buried Recipe in GTA 5 Online

Where is the Buried Recipe in GTA 5 Online

Looking for the Buried Recipe in GTA 5 online? Continue reading this article to know more about this topic. Released in 2013, GTA 5 is an action-adventure game published by Rockstar Games. This game revolves around free-roaming and a series of missions representing a storyline.

There are three different main characters with different stories in the game. This game is one of the most popular games in the world being playable on almost every gaming platform. Moreover, in this article, we are going to guide you to find the Buried Recipe in the online version of this game. So, here is everything you need to know about it.

GTA 5 Buried Recipe: Where is it?

Finding a recipe buried in the ground is a mission in GTA 5. Most players face a problem finding this recipe as the exact location of this recipe is not marked on the map. Also, some players try to complete their missions fast, so they do not like spending time on tricky missions. Whatever the case is, we are here for your rescue. Follow these steps to get to the Buried Recipe:

  1. Go to the Recipe location by navigating it from the map.

  2. After reaching the recipe location, keep your camera up so that you can see the surface of the ground near you clearly.

  3. Find a big rounded tank with stairs in that area.

  4. Now, when you are near that place, keep roaming near the pipeline on the ground.

  5. There are 3 possible places where you can find the Buried Recipe. All of them are near that pipe. Whenever you are near your recipe, you will see an option on the top left corner of your screen through which you can start digging that area and find the buried recipe.

So, this was all about finding the buried recipe in GTA 5 online. Comment below the place where you found your recipe. If you found this article helpful, make sure to share this article with your friends.

Read More about GTA 5:

Enjoy Gaming!!