What You Don't Know About Hitler's Dog Blondi

What You Don't Know About Hitler's Dog Blondi

In April 1945, Allied troops started liberating concentration camps and were slowly making their way to Adolf Hitler's bunker in Berlin. The dictator knew that his capture was nearing and there was no escape. Rather than be captured by the enemy, Hitler decided that taking his life was the only option he had. He was also concerned for Blondi's well-being if she was taken by the Russians. Hitler acquired cyanide capsules as a means of suicide, and wanting to confirm whether the pills will do the job, Blondi became the test subject (via Medium).

On April 29, Hitler gave Blondi a cyanide capsule. The capsule worked, and Hitler was inconsolable when the dog died. Erna Flegel was in the Bunker with Hitler before his suicide on April 30. According to her account, as reported by The Guardian, Hitler "shook everyone's hand, and said a few friendly words. And that was it." Hitler and Braun gave their other dogs cyanide pills and took some themselves. Afterward, Hitler shot himself in the head, per History. When the Russian troops reached the bunker, Blondi's dead body was found next to Hitler's (via Dogs in History).