Twitter Shares New Insights into Holiday Tweet Trends and Key Planning Points [Infographic]

Twitter Shares New Insights into Holiday Tweet Trends and Key Planning Points [Infographic]

Christmas is now only 68 days away, and that means that if you haven’t got your holiday marketing plans locked in, you’re likely already running behind, which could see you miss out on key opportunities.

That’s underlined in this new data from Twitter, which highlights the key moments for various holiday-related trends, to help marketers maximize their outreach in line with user activity peaks. The report also looks at tweet behavior around each of the major holidays, and highlights the significant rise in related tweet activity over the past year.

The 2021 Christmas period is shaping up to be a big one, with a return to in-person gatherings in many regions, after many months apart. There will still be COVID impacts, but with people more keen than ever to celebrate, it’s worth taking note of these trends, and factoring them into your planning where possible.

You can check out Twitter’s full overview (with larger graphics) at its 2021 Holiday Hub here.

Twitter 2021 Holiday data