Three Common Money Dilemmas That Cause Friction in Relationships

Three Common Money Dilemmas That Cause Friction in Relationships
Finances have always been a taboo topic, especially among couples for many years. While things are starting to change and people are becoming more open about their income and debt, money is still among the leading causes for rifts between significant others.

Three Common Money Dilemmas That Cause Friction in RelationshipsThree Common Money Dilemmas That Cause Friction in RelationshipsHere are three common money problems that almost all couples face at some point in their relationship.

Debt Accumulation

Relationships are built on trust and mutual respect. Unfortunately, several studies show that many people hide their debt from their partner out of fear of being judged or abandoned. This secrecy creates unnecessary tension that can lead to frustration, misunderstanding, and even severe disputes.

Debt AccumulationThree Common Money Dilemmas That Cause Friction in RelationshipsTransparency regarding financial information is of paramount importance for the healthy development of a relationship. Debts are easier to manage when they are out in the open and two people are working to cover them.

One Partner Is Paying for Everything

The number of purchases made by a person doesn’t correlate with their commitment towards their partner. Many people use their significant other’s willingness to pay as an excuse to not spend their money on items that are used by both parties. This creates a negative cycle during which a person makes purchases to spark joy that brings love that fuels the relationship.

Businessman Having Dollar Money Banknotes in Leather Wallet - Finance and Business ConceptThree Common Money Dilemmas That Cause Friction in RelationshipsUnfortunately, as soon as the purchases stop, their commitment is put into question, which ultimately shakes the stability of the relationship. This type of “buy or I will leave” dynamic is toxic and shouldn’t be tolerated. Paying for things must be a choice and not an obligation, and this is a ground rule that must be established at the very beginning.

One Is Making More Money

Financial disparity plays an important role in any type of romantic relationship. The person who is earning less can often feel inferior to their partner. This can also cause them to hold back on expensive activities, which can cause a feeling of unfairness. Discussing openly the financial inequality can set up clear guidelines of what and when certain expenses are possible.

One Is Making More MoneyThree Common Money Dilemmas That Cause Friction in RelationshipsWhile money is important in any field of life, it shouldn’t be the main foundation on which a relationship is based. After all, finances are just means for couples to have a better and more memorable relationship.