These Are The Best And Worst Human Foods For Dogs

These Are The Best And Worst Human Foods For Dogs

There are tons of things pet owners can do to make sure their dogs are happy and healthy, but one of the most important is feeding them nutritious and delicious foods. While there are great wet and dry foods made especially for our canine pals, dog owners might not be aware that there are many human foods they’re allowed to eat. On the other hand, there are several human foods that should never be ingested by dogs because it can quickly lead to life-altering results. These are the human foods that are both okay and off-limits for dogs.

Keep Them Away From The Chocolate

One of the foods that should never be kept near dogs is chocolate. This sweet treat may be a pleasant dessert for humans, but Healthline admitted that chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine. Dogs cannot metabolize those chemicals and will experience dire symptoms if they do.

a boy keeping chocolate away from a dalmatian

The symptoms can include vomiting, dehydration, internal bleeding, muscle tremors, seizures, and in the worst-case scenario it can end their life. There are some varieties that will do more damage such as cocoa powder and unsweetened baker’s chocolate because they are more concentrated.