The Real Reason The Amish Won't Serve In The Military

The Real Reason The Amish Won't Serve In The Military

Though many Christians have no qualms about serving in the military, perhaps seeing fighting and dying for one's country as part of a higher duty to God, the Amish don't see things that way, according to the University of North Carolina-Greensboro. Instead, they point to the Bible's teachings about humility and forgiveness, and therefore eschew all forms of violence. That means they don't fight with each other, they don't sue in court when they've been wronged (because involving the authorities could involve the police, which could in turn inform violence), and if their neighbors are hostile, they'll simply move instead of risking physical confrontation. Serving in the military, which at the very least would involve training to use a gun, is right out.

This refusal to serve has resulted in Amish men of draft age being conscripted into other kinds of service, according to PBS. For example, in World War II, Amish men who were drafted were put to work in hospitals or doing forestry work instead of being conscripted into the war effort.