'Resistance Rocket Frog': New Species' Name Voted To Defy Mining

'Resistance Rocket Frog': New Species' Name Voted To Defy Mining


  • The winning name for the new species was revealed Wednesday
  • The name shows continued defiance against the Llurimagua mining project
  • The mining site is home to many amphibians and other threatened species

The people have spoken, and the new rocket frog species discovered in Ecuador is now named the "Intag resistance rocket frog." Its new name doesn't only mark the discovery of a new species but also stands for the defiance against a mining project.

The new rocket frog species was discovered within the Llurimaga mining concession in Ecuador's Intag Valley in 2019, according to Amphibian Survival Alliance (ASA). However, it only got its new name Wednesday, in time for International Amphibian Week, according to Re:Wild, an organization that aims to "protect and restore biodiversity." But unlike other new species that are usually named by the scientists who discovered them, the species' new name was a result of a public vote.

Local communities, which have been struggling to stop mining projects in the Intag Valley for 27 years, were the ones that selected the two name options. One was "Rana nodriza resistencia de Intag," which meant "Intag resistance rocket frog," and the other was "Rana nodriza condenada," which meant "The doomed rocket frog" after the court's recent decision to continue mining, thereby destroying the frog's home.