Pets All Tucked In And Ready To Have A Lazy Sunday Like The Rest Of Us

We all love it when our pet sleeps with us because that means we can put pajamas on them, tuck them in, and just mother them to pieces. We love it, they love it, and everyone's happy. Here are some adorable pets who don't mind the bedtime routine one bit.

More than not minding it, these blissed-out pets look like they look forward to it. After all, who doesn't love a good lazy Sunday cuddling with your best friend?

Just A Cat Nap On Dad

This kitty sure knows the value of a good hug, and that's something that we all can appreciate. After her owner had a long day, this cat laid down to deliver some much-needed cuddle time to her weary dad.

We can feel the healing power of a sleepy kitty curled up against your chest through this photo. This cat is sending signals that she's done with the day and really wants to hit the hay. Or is it hit the catnip in this case?


This Dog May Have Big Ears, But He's Not Listening At The Moment


dog curled on bed


We all get secretly really excited to flip over the "Do Not Disturb" sign on a hotel door. There's such a fun feeling knowing that you can block out the world for a bit and just sleep. This big-eared pup definitely cherishes his alone time.


Look at those glorious ears! They're so big and floofy that we're in awe at their sheer hearing power. We're happy that this little guy can find the time to tune out the world and get some deserved rest.


Even Spectacularly Colored Kitties Need Their Nap Time



kitten under covers


Just because you're a cat with a beauty schedule to maintain doesn't mean you don't need your sleep. If this gorgeous cat was a human they'd have a 10-step skincare routine they need to complete before falling asleep. Luckily, this kitty seems to know the value of beauty sleep.


This cat truly has some amazing fur! This is the kind of mixing and matching that will land them on the cover of Vogue! Hopefully, they can find the time for a photoshoot in their busy sleep schedule.


This Dog Wrapped In A Blanket Is A Bark-ritto



dog in blanket


We've all been to Chipotle and been in awe about the sheer amount of stuff that they can fit into one tiny burrito. Seriously, how are tortillas able to hold so much? This dog looked at his blanket and definitely had the same thought...


This bark-rrito is giving his human major "I'm ready for bed" eyes. All he seems to want before some well-deserved shut-eye is a glass of water, a story, and maybe a side of sour cream. No guacamole if it's extra though.


Even Polydactyl Kitties Need Their Sleep



polydactyl tabby cat


A polydactyl kitty is the cutest thing you've never heard of before... a kitty with thumbs. We hope you're sitting down because these little balls of fur will shock you with their adorableness and their sleepiness.


Don't worry, this sweet little girl's thumbs aren't doing her any harm. Polydactylism is a genetic anomaly that causes more than one toe to appear on one or more of the cat's paws so it's not harmful. Also, there's a chance that she's got parents and siblings with the condition, and we'd pay to see them all napping together. Just saying.


This Post-Bath Puppy Is In Her Blanket And Ready For Bed



dog in towels


There's nothing like a bath before bedtime, and we stand behind that statement. Morning showerers will never know the pure bliss of crawling into bed clean, smelling good, and all toasty from the warm water. This post-bath puppy is the spokes-dog for the bedtime bath cause.


Just look at those big eyes! This little sweetheart is ready for her parents to bring her to bed and she's giving them the puppy-dog eyes to speed the process along. Come on, she's bathed and ready!


This Dog In Pyjamas Is More Fashionable And Sleepier Than All Of Us



dog in pyjamas


A sleepy dog in doggie pajamas, that's it. If that's not the key to melting your heart then nothing will. This little pupper fell asleep wearing some custom PJs that say "woof" on them, and our hearts couldn't be any fuller as a result.


Just look how blissed-out he looks laying there! He's so cozy and content in his cool PJs that he doesn't even need a pillow to rest his head. This is the level of contented napping that I aspire to reach.


This Cat Is How We All Feel In The Morning



cat looking tired


Some days you wake up and it's so hard to leave your bed. Those warm covers and comfortable pillows just suck you in and make you hit snooze on your alarm clock. When you actually have to get up you feel exactly how this cat looks.


This sweet kitty was just rudely awakened from her comfortable blanket nest at an ungodly hour and is feeling a certain type of way about it. We can't tell whether this face says more "it's Monday" or if it says how we feel every morning.


This Kitten's Favorite Sentence Is "More Blankets"



cat in blanket


We've all met a blanket hog. They're the person who just shifts all the blankets over to their side of the bed no matter how many they've already got. If you brought them all the blankets in the world they would just burrow down into them. This kitten is the master of getting down under those covers.


Where's the kitten in this photo? This adorable feline has so many blankets around her that she's almost completely hidden under the folds! All we want to know is if there's room for two here.


She Was In The Cone Of Shame But All She Needed Was Dad's Shirt



cat in cone


When you're sick and in pain, sometimes it's the little gestures that really increase your comfort and make a world of difference. We all have our comfort items that we reach for when we're feeling down. In this case, this poor sick kitty reached for what she knew would cheer her up — her dad's shirt.


Her dad's shirt swaddles her so perfectly and we bet that it just makes her pain just disappear. We hope she gets better soon! Knowing the power of a good sentimental blanket, we know she will.


This Pup And His Mom Are Wearing Matching Pjs And We Don't Know Anything That's Cuter



dogs cuddling in payjamas


There's nothing more fun than buying your kids, or your pets, an adorable onesie to sleep in. Seriously, they just look so freaking cute in those PJs that our hearts just melt anytime we see those outfits. But this pup and his mom have gone next level with the PJ cuteness.


Just look at how sweet and happy these two are cuddled up on the sofa together! This is the kind of bond we all aspire to have with our pets. Excuse me while I order matching onesies for myself and my dog now.


Sometimes Dad's Arms Are The Only Bed A Puppy Needs



puppy asleep


We've all been jealous of those people who can fall asleep almost anywhere. Whether it's the airport, on a bus, or in the library, we've all wondered how they can just tune out the world and fall asleep. This pupper did just that.


He must be able to tune out so effectively because he trusts his dad so much. When he's with him there's no fear at all in his mind that his dad will drop him. That's the kind of adorable sleepiness and unconditional love that we love!


This Kitty Didn't Have A Blanket, But She Did Have A Couch...



cat under couch


We've all been trying to fall asleep somewhere less than ideal. Whether it's the lack of a blanket, an uncomfortable couch, or maybe a snoring guest, sometimes we have to get crafty to get some shut-eye. This creative kitty definitely knows what it's like.


This cute little fluffer definitely worked hard to achieve its dreams of sleeping and is having pleasant dreams as a result. We're curious though why this determined sleeper didn't just go on the couch...


Even Goats in Sweaters Are Down To Get Cuddly



goats in bed cuddling


Getting comfy and ready for bedtime is a love that crosses the animal kingdom. Every creature loves to feel warm and swaddled no matter what they look like. So next time you're buying some adorable pajamas for your dog, buy some for Old MacDonald's farm down the road too.


Look at how cute these sleepy little goats are! They're huddled together out of pure love, affection, and a desire for bedtime. We know this because there's no way you would wear matching sweaters with someone you weren't bffls with.


Bedtime For This Dog Isn't Complete Without A Teddy



dog snuggling teddy bear


When you're a child, a major bedtime essential is your stuffed animal — there's no way you could fall asleep without it in your arms! Turns out dogs are the same way since this sweet little boy couldn't completely relax without his teddy bear.


This adorable little guy looks like he's on cloud nine cuddling his favorite teddy in bed. Now all he needs is a Milkbone midnight snack and he's all ready for a good night's sleep.


Pupper Before And After A Good Tuck In



dog on dog bed


This is the kind of before and after we want to see. Scrap all those makeover shows on TLC because the kind of makeover content we want to see features stars that are furry, bark at squirrels, and love a midday nap. Give us doggies!


Reddit user Vannausen says their pup can't sleep unless he's completely covered up — and we find that so cute. This before and after photo of a happy pup at bedtime may be half-covered, but it just radiates contented energy.


Couch Covers Are Supposed To Cover The Couch... Not The Cat



cat in couch


Cats are notorious for being on their own schedule and own mode of operation. Sometimes when you say "bedtime" all they hear is "make yourself absolutely comfortable wherever you like." Which is fine by the way, we just have questions for this kitty.


We guess she just really wanted a blanket and didn't feel like getting up to grab one. Honestly, this is a move that a Mcgyver of cats would do. This owner better watch out because this ingenious feline is heading for the tuna cupboard next.


This Kitty Has Been Rudely Awakened And Is Giving Her Owner The Stare For It



cat in bed tucked in


We've all felt like the world is way too loud early in the morning. Whether it's other people in your house, the birds, or the traffic outside, we've all been in a situation where we put our pillow over our heads and hope it stops soon. That happened to this kitty and we feel his pain... but that doesn't stop it from being adorable though.


Look at those eyes — they say "mom please get the camera out of my face, it's 7 am and I'm up because of you." We're sorry little guy, but we're not that sorry because we get to see this cute photo.


These Cats Saw Shelves And Thought "Bunk Beds"



cats in shelves


These two little kitties are having a real college experience. They saw their parent's bathroom shelf for towels and knew that those were prime napping real estate. These two roommates are absolutely breaking our hearts with their camaraderie and cuteness.


You can barely see the one on top because they're buried in towels, while the bottom one has kicked the towels off. While also being cute friends, these two also show us the different blanket preferences people have when sleeping. Good thing they're not sharing a shelf...


This Dog Just Wanted To Share Her Sister's Bed



dog in bed


Some people just don't really have a concept of boundaries. They're givers but also takers and often say "what's mine is yours, and what's yours is mine." This can be frustrating, but when it comes to sleepy pups at bedtime, it's only adorable.


This dog saw her human sister's bed and thought it was the perfect size for her to sleep in — and honestly, we agree. She's set up like a queen and we don't want her to have to move. They can share.


When There's No Blankets, She Has To Improvise



Cat sleeps beneath a pile of rubbish on a couch


Now here's a picture that'll have people saying "same." A lack of blankets won't stop this kitty from her afternoon nap. A pair of crocs and water bottle might not be as comfortable. But does it matter? As long as she gets her nap in, she's good!


College students who can't find their blanket may relate to this cat. Sundays aren't a good day for cleaning. And this cat sure isn't going to lick her fur clean--this is her lazy Sunday. Shhh. Let her sleep.


This Employee Is Sleeping On The Job



Cat naps in a record store's CD shelf


Ahh, store cats. We all love the furry employees who come to greet customers in bookstores and music shops. This cat in Love Garden found an appropriate place to nap. Retail stores may stay open on weekends, but that doesn't mean their employees can't take a break.


In a way, this cat employs the perfect marketing strategy. Customers can browse the CD collection and then pause for head scratches. Who wouldn't want to pet a lazy kitty? Clever, cat. We see what you're doing.


Running On A Wheel Gets Exhausting



Two gophers sleep on a running wheel in their cage


Many people don't hit the treadmill on a Sunday morning. Good for these gophers! Of course, everyone feels exhausted after an intense workout. Should they hop over to bed? Nah. It's much easier to just sleep on the wheel.


If you look at it a certain way, these gophers are rocking themselves to sleep. Or at least, one of them is. The other is stuck on the wheel until her friend wakes up. Oops. He might as well take a nap along with her. There's nothing like a cuddling session during lazy days.


Here Is Proof That Cats Are Liquid



Cat sleeps halfway out of its bed


Have you ever hung your feet off the bed? This is the cat version of that. This kitty went halfway off the bed before saying, "screw it." If that isn't lazy day vibes, we don't know what is.


As we've already seen, cats don't have be in a bed to cuddle up and nap. They can be on a couch, a floor, or in a hallway. Nap time is nap time, no matter where they are. It's admirable and, honestly, enviable. We wish we could nap anywhere we want.


This Guinea Pig Is Big Mood



Guinea pig drags a carrot into his blankets


Would you know this was a guinea pig if we didn't tell you? He may not be visible, but he sure has his priorities in order. Blankets: check. Snacks: check. Everything this fluffy boy could ever want is at his disposal.


When you're having a lazy day, your priorities change. People may throw on a big sweater or keep their PJs on all day. Guinea pigs break out a blanket and carrot. Honestly, we agree with his choices, although his snack is likely healthier than ours.


When You Want To Nap While Watching TV



Rabbit naps on an ottoman


Beds are so last year. So are couches. If you want to take a nap while watching TV, try sleeping on an ottoman. That's what this bunny did, and look how comfortable he is. He's practically melting into that ottoman.


The perk of being so small is that you can sleep anywhere. And the benefit of being furry is that you'll be warm anywhere. Who wants to watch your favorite shows with a lazy bunny? We do. How could anyone say no to an adorably sleepy rabbit?


Sorry, The Bed's Taken



Cat and dog lay down on their owner's bed


The ultimate lazy day position is to lay in bed all day. That's what this cat and dog are aiming for. They have the right idea to take their owner's bed before she can. They probably conspired--"hey, let's take mom's bed before she can crawl into it!"


To be fair, their owner can squeeze in between her pets. That would create the ultimate comfy Sunday. And can we admire how well this cat and dog get along? It's like a Disney movie come to life.


No Pillow? A Foot Will Work



Cat sleeps on owner's foot while dog sleeps nearby


Now this is a picturesque image of a lazy Sunday. On this day, the dog took the ideal carpet spot. So where's the cat to sleep? On her owner's foot, of course. Dad isn't going to move until this furry buddy wakes up.


In the Reddit post, the user mentioned that his cat is 17 and his dog is 15. What's more adorable than old pets? They deserve all the naps in the world. They've had long, hard lives, and here is their comfy retirement.


Here, Have A Pup Burrito



Dog cuddles in blankets while cat sits above him


There's nothing cuter than a dog bundled up in a blanket burrito. This pup has the right idea on a lazy Sunday, or any day to be honest. We'd rather be doing what this dog is doing. Above him, there's a cat hanging out on top of the couch.


"This is the closest my pets have ever cuddled," the original poster said. "My heart is happy." Our hearts are happy too. Maybe the cat will also roll into a burrito, and we'll see a picture of two sushi pets. Maybe we should stop comparing pets to food.


Have You Ever Seen A Sleepier Animal?



Rat asleep in blankets


People who think rats are gross likely haven't owned one as a pet. Rats are very cuddly animals. They're also social; if you have more than one rat, they'll often sleep on top of each other. This is an example of a snuggly rat.


"My lazy weirdo Root having a nap," the poster captioned this image. First off, amazing name for a rat. Second, look how comfy he is! There has never been a more cuddly image on the internet. We want that blanket and that pet. Just kidding, we won't take someone's pet. But can we at least pet him?


Don't Make Me Get Up



all tucked in


This dog is completely set for her lazy Sunday (even though it's actually Monday -- the days of the week don't mean much to her). She's even resting on a stack of two plush beds, and has a toasty fire to keep the wintry cold air at bay.


You can tell by the expression on her face that she has absolutely no plans to budge, no matter what. The only thing that this pup is getting out of bed for today is a treat or maybe a walk -- with her warm jacket on, of course.


Snoozing On The Couch



Daisy napping


Meet Daisy, who's just going to continue snoozing on that comfy couch as we talk about her. She's apparently had a rough day of lounging around so she needs to de-stress with a leisurely nap on the sofa.


Daisy is so relaxed that her tongue is hanging out of her mouth, although we've been told that it doesn't actually FIT into her mouth so maybe that's the reason it's sticking out. Either way, Daisy looks as cozy and content as could be. We're jealous.


All Tucked In





Judging by the way this dog is dressed (in a knitted pajama set complete with a hood) and tucked in (tightly, and with a large pillow under her head), we're going to assume that she is about to begin hibernating for the winter.


This looks like more than a casual nap, this setup is for some serious sleepy time. She looks so comfortable and happy, we'd hate to disturb her for anything.


Holding Onto His Piggy



kitty with toy


Awwww, there's seriously nothing quite as adorable as a pet that has a favorite toy. This precious kitty has a stuffed pig that he even sleeps with! Just look at how he's holding it in his paws. That's some real love right there.


This cat knows that the best lazy Sunday is shared with others. So he made sure to include his BFF the piggy in his Sunday naptime plans. Major purrs!


All The Toys





Here's another pampered pet that enjoys sharing naptime with his toys. Unlike that last cat, though, the dog here wants to be completely surrounded by toys when he naps. We count at least seven toys in this scene but there are probably a bunch more that are hidden under the covers or off to the side of the picture.


We just hope the pupper is able to get some quiet time and that his stuffed animals aren't too distracting during his nap!