Woman Shares Husband's Bizarre Behaviour Online And People Are Begging Her To Leave Him

Woman Shares Husband's Bizarre Behaviour Online And People Are Begging Her To Leave Him


  • The wife is the only one that earns in the family
  • It causes no discomfort to the husband if the lights are switched off
  • He also takes all of the money his wife earns, leaving her with nothing

It's only natural for people to change over time, but if the tables turn in a matter of minutes after they have achieved something they wanted, then it almost seems like they were plotting for this to happen all along. 

Recently, a woman took to Reddit's AITA thread to share how her husband has been troubling her with his antics. 

"I used to think I was reasonable but his inability to understand makes me think I am insane," she wrote, adding that she's only sharing this anonymously because she's been having the same discussion over and over again with her husband, but in vain. 

The woman lives in an apartment with her husband. She goes to work at 7 am every day and gets back only by 7 pm. When she's back, the lights are on in every room and there is water running in the kitchen and in the bathroom sinks. "According to him, they are on all day every day. I cannot work from home and we are wasting a lot of money," she shared. 

Given how this was a recurring situation, the woman asked her husband why this happens, to which he replied it was impossible for him to switch off the lights and turn the taps off. The OP (original poster) told him that it wasn't "impossible" and all he had to do was use his hands. But, he replied saying, "you have hands and you choose not to work as a mechanic, so I also can choose not to turn it off."

Couple Arguing A couple is depicted arguing. Photo: Reuters

She tried to reason with him and make him understand they are not both the same, and added it was simply creating additional expenses. Plus, it's also bad to waste resources, she pointed out,  "but he insists it's the same thing because I can technically be a mechanic but choose not to do so, so why does he have to choose to turn off the lights."

When the woman is not at work, she turns off the lights after him, and it causes him no discomfort, which means that "he just refuses to turn them off himself," she added.

Whenever she has tried to reason with her husband, he says that she's nagging him and that she should just leave him alone, the woman revealed.

People had a lot to say about the man's behavior and the Reddit post went viral on the platform. "Your husband is easily costing you two an unnecessary $50-100 a month in water and electricity. Not sure if he's heard of climate change but there's another reason he should be leaving water running and lights on. His argument makes him sound like an idiot," one user shared.

When people began to label her husband an abuser, it prompted the woman to provide her readers with some more information. "I am getting a lot of comments saying my husband is abusive and I do want to reach out for help from a governmental organization to see if they help women. But the thing is I feel really guilty because he told me he would not treat me this way if I didn't nag him (about lights, water and trash). So I feel at fault," she shared.

She later suspended her account, but before she did, she left another comment that shed some light on the situation. Apparently, the husband was employed, but the minute they got married, he quit his job, making theirs a single-income household.

He "does not respect our living space at all and insists I give him all the money we have left after paying for the essentials, saying that I am abusive if I don't, and I don't even have credit on my phone or buy things I need because he insists on having all the money."

"GET OUT NOW!! He is abusing you in all kinds of ways. Close that bank account he controls, open your own account and run!!! He isn't crazy, he's gaslighting you to hell and back again! Run!!" one of the comments on the post rea.

"I have thoughts of leaving but would feel guilty for breaking my vows but this wasn't who he represented himself as," the woman concluded.