The Weird Artifacts Found At Mount Vernon

The Weird Artifacts Found At Mount Vernon

According to Smithsonian Magazine, lots of the artifacts at Mount Vernon are obviously quotidian items George and Martha used while living there, such as furniture, clothing, table utensils, and swords (sweet). However, there are also less glamorous items, such as George Washington's bedpan.

Also, we've all heard the legend that Washington had wooden dentures. Well, Live Science confirms that the Founding Father's dental hygiene was indeed atrocious, requiring him to use dentures, but they weren't made of wood. However, you might cringe when you hear the truth about George Washington's teeth. They were a combination of ivory and real — yes, real — human teeth. Like, from another person's mouth. He most likely got them cheap from a slave or a poor person in dire straits.

The Mount Vernon Midden Project has also unearthed everything from Native American spear points to pottery, even things closer to modern times. They've found a Brownie Scout ring that dates to 1926 and even a doll from the popular 20th-century children's show "Gumby."