Street Fighter 6 Release Date for PS5, Xbox Series X|S & Windows

Street Fighter 6 Release Date for PS5, Xbox Series X|S & Windows

Street Fighter the beloved series by CAPCOM, brought the genre of one-on-one fights to a new level. According to the recent leaks, there will be a Street Fighter 6 Release soon and it is not just on PlayStation.

Aesthetic Gamer aka Dusk Golem

The prolific CAPCOM leaker Aesthetic Gamer (@AestheticGamer1) on Twitter tweeted SF6 was supposed to release this fiscal year but got a year delay due to trouble in the direction from Ono’s decisions & someone else taking over. This means the game is definitely in the making and will hit the markets soon. An email was also leaked that had the game codenamed CAPCOM 6.

Street Fighter 6 Release Date

As the tweet and the leaked email suggest it is for sure that SF6 will be released soon. The game was supposed to be out in 2020 but it got delayed as it was not received well internally. The change in the development team has pushed the released date further in order to “fix” the game. The new season pass was just to stall for time to give the new team some time to make changes to the game. Street Fighter 6 Release date is near now. Street Fighter 6 will be out in Q3 of 2022, with a Super Street Fighter 6 version in Q4 2023. And the Ultra Street Fighter 6 version will come out in Q4 of 2024.

Street Fighter V: Champion Edition | CAPCOM

Not only for Playstation

Street Fighter has always been on PlayStation and never on Xbox or PC. According to the leaks, the game will be released not just on PlayStation 5 but also on Xbox Series X and S along with PC. The other platforms include PS4 and Xbox One. This suggests that there will be a cross-platform and cross-generation experience. This will open doors for the PC community and the Xbox community to the wondrous world of Street Fighter. We are looking forward to a new era of Street Fighter.

