Newborn's Ear Badly Cut During C-Section Under Cellphone Light, Family Alleges Negligence

Newborn's Ear Badly Cut During C-Section Under Cellphone Light, Family Alleges Negligence

A newborn baby's ear was badly cut during a cesarean section performed under the dim light of cellphones amid a power outage at a private hospital in Mexico. 

The family alleged the doctor's negligence, and said they fear the child will lose his hearing ability in one ear.

Karla Martínez, 19, gave birth to Julián Adriel in the Clinica Internacional de Especialidades on June 6, Mexico News Daily reported, citing Reforma. According to the Mexican newspaper, Martínez’s operation was originally scheduled to commence at 11 a.m. local time, but she wasn’t anesthetized until 12.40 p.m.

Just eight minutes into the procedure, there was a power outage. However, the doctor, identified as David Santoyo Alanís, reportedly decided to proceed with the surgery against the expectant mother’s wishes as she was already anesthetized.

“I don’t want to be operated on [in the dark], I don’t want to die,” Martínez had reportedly told the doctor. 

However, Alanís informed Martínez's husband saying they will go ahead with the surgery as the hospital had its own source of power. The medical team led by Alanís proceeded with the operation using the light from cellphones. The doctor then mistakenly cut the baby’s left ear as well as part of an infantile hemangioma, commonly known as a strawberry mark, due to the lack of light.

Sonia Andrade, Martínez’s mother, told Reforma last week her grandson was receiving medical treatment at another hospital. They were awaiting test results that will help determine if he has lost his hearing ability in one ear. The baby's left side of the head had swelled up due to the injury he sustained, Clarin reported [Google Translate showed].

Andrade accused the medical team of negligence. She also told local media the doctor hasn’t accepted responsibility for cutting the baby’s ear, and added he allegedly left the operating room before her daughter’s abdomen had been sown up.

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Martínez’s family filed a complaint with the Baja California Attorney General’s Office. However, no action has been taken so far in connection with the case. If found guilty, the doctor and other members of the team, who performed the C-section, could be sanctioned for medical negligence. The hospital could also face consequences – including a large fine and a temporary or permanent closure.