Monopoly Go Partner Event Issues today including no registration of progress troubling players

Monopoly Go Partner Event Issues today including no registration of progress troubling players

In the world of online games, Monopoly Go! is a big hit. It’s like the classic Monopoly board game but on your phone. You can play with friends and family from anywhere, anytime. But recently, there has been a problem with the game’s Partner Events. These events are usually fun, but now they’re not working right. Many players, like yourself, are upset because the in-game progress isn’t being recorded properly. It’s causing a lot of frustration because players can’t enjoy the game like they used to. So, here is all that you need to know about this issue and what you can expect going forward.

Many players of Monopoly Go! are facing a frustrating issue with Partner Events. When teaming up with others, points earned by one player aren’t showing up correctly for their partner. For example, one player might see their points on their partner’s screen, and vice versa. Even after completing event stages separately, the progress doesn’t sync up as it should. Despite reaching out to customer service for help, the issue persists, leaving many feeling let down and hoping for a quick fix.

Monopoly Go Partner Event Issues today, including no registration of progress, troubling players

Monopoly Go Partner Event Issues today including no registration of progress troubling players

Similar problems have occurred before in Monopoly Go!, indicating that this isn’t the first time players have faced challenges with the game’s functionality, particularly with the Partner Events feature. Right now, with a significant portion of the player base experiencing this issue, there’s optimism that the developers will address it soon. However, in the meantime, you can explore a few potential workarounds. They are not guaranteed to work for everyone but are still worth a shot.

Issues with Partner Event
byu/Redheart2945 inMonopoly_GO


The first thing you can try is a restart. Sometimes, a simple restart of the Monopoly Go! app on your device can solve the issue. Closing the app completely and then reopening it can clear out any temporary glitches or bugs that may be causing the problem. If you want to go the extra mile, go ahead and restart your device as well.

Check Internet Connection

Having a stable and reliable internet connection is essential for smooth gameplay, especially in multiplayer modes like Partner Events. Check that your Wi-Fi or data connection is strong and stable to ensure proper synchronization between players.

Unlink/Relink Account

If the issue persists, try unlinking and then relinking your Facebook or other ID account with Monopoly Go. This process can refresh your account connection and potentially resolve any underlying synchronization issues between your account and the game’s servers.


As a last resort, you can try reinstalling the Monopoly Go! app on your device. This involves deleting the app and then reinstalling it from the app store. Reinstalling can reset the game’s settings and configurations, which may help resolve any persistent issues with Partner Events. Just be sure that your account is linked to either Facebook or Apple ID before reinstalling to avoid losing any data.

Wait for Developers to Fix the Issue

While it might be frustrating, sometimes the best solution is to wait for the game developers to release a fix. They are likely aware of the issue and are working to resolve it in an upcoming update. Patience can pay off in ensuring a permanent solution to the problem.

That said, we hope this was helpful. That is all we have to share for now. Stay in touch with DigiStatement for more gaming reads like this. Read more: Phantom Fury Multiplayer mode: Will it be available