Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Release Date for PC: When is it coming out

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Release Date for PC: When is it coming out

Fans of the Spider-Man franchise can rejoice because the gameplay trailer for the upcoming Spider-Man game has been released. Yes, we are talking about Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. The previous title, Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered, was a hit among fans and was widely appreciated. And the title prior to that, Spider-Man: Miles Morales, was no different either. In a nutshell, these games have a huge fan following, and the games themselves haven’t particularly disappointed their player base. Now, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is set to release soon. As seen from this trailer, which was rather long with 12 minutes of gameplay footage, a lot was revealed about the game. Finally, the description box of the trailer also mentions that the game will be coming sometime in the fall of 2023 on PS5. But what about the release date on PC? After all, not everyone owns a PS5. So, will the game even make its way to the PC platform? If you have these questions, then this is the article for you.

Folks, we all know that Sony and exclusive titles go hand in hand; they are never released across all platforms on the same day. Well, Xbox players don’t have the chance to try these games on their consoles. However, PCs are a different matter. At first, these games are marketed as PlayStation-exclusive titles, but with enough time, they are made available on PCs as well. So, will the upcoming Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 follow this trend? Keep reading to learn more.

Marvel’s Spiderman 2 Release Date for PC: When is it coming out

Marvel's Spider-man 2 Release Date for PC When is it coming out

In the past, Spider-Man games have typically been released on consoles first, particularly PlayStation platforms, before making their way to PC. The time gap between console and PC releases can vary, but it is not uncommon for it to take several months or even a year. For example, the previous installment, Marvel’s Spider-Man (Remastered Version), was initially released exclusively for PlayStation 5 in November 2020. It took approximately two years for the game to make its way to the PC, with the PC version released in August 2022. This trend is not just limited to this game; in fact, Spider-Man: Miles Morales was also made available on PC roughly 2 years after the initial release on PS5.

Considering this pattern, it is reasonable to speculate that Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 may follow a similar timeline. The game is set to release in the “fall” of this year on PS5, which, if you think about it, is right around the corner. So, first, we will have to wait for the game to be released on PS5 before we even expect it to be available on PC. It is understandable because a lot of time is needed to port a game to a different platform. Well, based on the release pattern followed for the previous titles, we can expect Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 to release on PC in 2025. But do note that this is speculation from our side and not a confirmed update, so take it with a pinch of salt.

Anyway, that is all the information we have right now. We hope you found this read helpful, and for more reads like this, keep checking Digistatement.

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