Gray Zone Warfare Linux/Proton Compatibility Details

Gray Zone Warfare Linux/Proton Compatibility Details

Using Linux can have its own benefits and advantages, especially if you are into programming and that sort of thing. But like everything, there are cons as well, and that comes in the face of compatibility of games for Linux systems. And it goes beyond traditional PCs; this disadvantage with Linux is also seen with other platforms like the Steam Deck. We are bringing this up because, as mentioned in the title, in this article, we have shared details regarding the compatibility of Gray Zone Warfare for Linux/Proton. Stick till the end to know it all.

With Gray Zone Warfare, there is a twist: the game is technically compatible with Linux/Proton. In other words, the game is launchable on Linux/Proton systems with their respective tweaks and methods. And this is to no surprise, as many other games have been playable on Linux/Proton despite any official support. So why this question of compatibility when it comes to Gray Zone Warfare? Well, the issue arises from the multiplayer nature of the game; we have explained what we mean below.

Gray Zone Warfare Linux/Proton Compatibility Details

Gray Zone Warfare LinuxProton Compatibility Details

So here is the issue, it appears that the stumbling block for Gray Zone Warfare’s compatibility with Linux via Proton lies in the presence of Easy Anti-Cheat (EAC). Easy Anti-Cheat (EAC) is a software designed to prevent cheating in multiplayer games to maintain competitive integrity. While it runs fine and without any issues on Windows, the platform where it is natively made to work, its integration poses a challenge for Linux/ Proton due to the complexity and other technicalities that we are not going to get into in this article. Anyway, even players have said that while reports suggest the game functions smoothly on Linux with Proton, the incompatibility with EAC leads to abrupt disconnections mere moments into the gameplay.

Player Response

In response to the compatibility roadblock posed by Easy Anti-Cheat (EAC) on Linux/Proton, a chorus of voices within the gaming community has arisen, asking for EAC to be compatible with Linux/Proton. You will find several comments/pleas like this across the game’s Steam Discussion forums pleading for EAC support on Proton and Linux. But will this be a possibility? What do the devs have to say?

Devs Response

The developer, MFG_Tomas, did respond to a player’s inquiry about Linux support for Gray Zone Warfare by stating that their current focus is solely on developing the game for Windows. They couldn’t make any promises regarding Linux compatibility at the moment. However, they hinted that if players show significant interest and support for the game, they might consider adding Linux support in the future. So, right now, all you can do is be hopeful because, considering all the comments and requests, there seems to be enough “significant interest” in Linux compatibility that these devs are talking about.

Anyway, that is all the information we have regarding the compatibility of Gray Zone Warfare for Linux/Proton. We hope your doubts on this matter were cleared. Now, for all your other gaming-related queries, don’t forget to visit DigiStatement first. Read more: Gray Zone Warfare “Can’t join on squad” Error 0X00030001: How to fix it