'Fortnite' Rift Tour Poster and Party UFO location guide and maps

'Fortnite' Rift Tour Poster and Party UFO location guide and maps

Rift Tour Challenges have just gone live in Fortnite and they’re shockingly easy to complete — as long as you know where to look. In this guide, we’ll reveal multiple Rift Tour Poster locations and show you where to find an Alien Hologram pad on top of the Party UFO. Want to prepare for Fortnite Battle Royale’s biggest concert yet? This is one way to do it.

Fortnite Rift Tour Poster locations

In order to complete this Rift Tour Challenge, you need to interact with just one Rift Tour Poster on the Battle Royale map. These are scattered across many locations inside prominent Points of Interest (POIs), but we’ll show you three locations you can use to get the task done quickly and easily.

Fortnite Rift Tour Poster location 1:

Our first Rift Tour poster is located on the eastern side of Lazy Lake.

The first Rift Tour Poster is in eastern Lazy Lake. Epic Games

You’ll see these two posters on the side of the tall building with many glass windows.

Go to the side of this building with the many glass windows.Epic Games

Fortnite Rift Tour poster location 2:

If that location fails you, try this spot just outside the trailer park in southern Believer Beach.

The second Rift Tour Poster is found in Believer Beach.Epic Games

This poster is on the fence around the trailer park.

It’s on the fence outside the park.Epic Games

Fortnite Rift Tour Poster location 3:

Last but not least, you can also find a Rift Tour Poster just as you enter Risky Reels. Risky is this unnamed location west of Corny Complex.

A third poster is located just outside Risky Reels.Epic Games

As you enter the area you’ll see this red barn with a poster on the side. Just press the designated button to interact with one of these posters, and the Rift-sterpiece spray is yours.

The poster is on the side of this barn.Epic Games

Fortnite Party UFO and Alien Hologram Pads locations

When it comes to the other Rift Tour Challenge involving the Party UFO, all you have to do is head to the huge blinking saucer that’s now in the direct middle of the Battle Royale map.

The Party UFO can be found in the center of the Battle Royale map.Epic Games

Once you get there, land on the UFO and pass through one of these circular Alien Hologram Pads. When you do you’ll be pushed up into the air. Use just one of these, and you’ll get the Cloud Kitty emote.

Pass through these holograms, and you’ll get a free emote.Epic Games

Save the date in the Rift Tour tab and play a match

Just confirm you “wanna go” to save the date.Epic Games

This last challenge is somehow even easier than the previous two. Scroll over to the new Rift Tour Tab and press the designated button to “save the date” for the Rift Tour concert in your territory. Tap to confirm you “wanna go,” then just play one match of Fortnite. Your reward is the Cosmic Cuddles Loading Screen. That’s all you need to know to finish the Rift Tour challenges in Fortnite.