Echoes of the Plum Grove crashing on Steam Deck: How to fix it

Echoes of the Plum Grove crashing on Steam Deck: How to fix it

There’s another new cozy game to enjoy and it’s called Echoes of the Plum Grove. Developed by indie studio – Unwound Games, the game was just recently launched on April 29, 2024, for PC. Reviews so far have been pretty positive, with many praising its unique Paper Mario-like art style and the generational gameplay. Since it’s available on PC, a ton of players have also downloaded it on their Steam Deck and unfortunately, some have reported experiencing crashing issues with it.

Echoes of the Plum Grove isn’t officially supported for the Steam Deck. However, many have already installed it on their Steam Decks and it plays just fine, although there are some controller-related issues besides this crashing one. So, are there any workarounds for this crashing issue? Well, let’s go ahead and find out.

Echoes of the Plum Grove crashing on Steam Deck: How to fix it

Echoes of the Plum Grove crashing on Steam Deck: How to fix it

Right now, there’s no official fix for this. As such, players will have to make do with the following workarounds: Try these and find out which ones are useful to you.

Update –

The very first thing that we recommend players do is update their Steam Deck. Doing so can be of great help in dealing with this issue, so give it a try. And if the issue persists, switch to another workaround.

Restart the Deck –

Restarting can also sometimes prove to be quite useful in dealing with issues like this one. Now, this particular method might or might not fix this issue. However, we do highly recommend that you at least give it a try. If it works, then great. But if it doesn’t, simply switch to another workaround.

Verify and repair the game’s files –

An issue like this can also be caused by Echoes of the Plum Grove having some missing or corrupted game files. In such cases, the only fix is to verify and repair those game files. This can be done by selecting Echoes of the Plum Grove from the Library and then pressing the three-line button on your Deck. Next, select Properties > Local Files > Verify integrity of game files. Once the verification and repair process is over, restart your Steam Deck and then launch the game.

Switch to Desktop Mode –

In case you are experiencing a ton of crashes in Game Mode, we suggest that you switch to Desktop Mode and play the game. A lot of similar crashing issues with other games have been bypassed this way, and as such, it might help with Echoes of the Plum Grove crashing on Steam Deck too. However, if it doesn’t work, check out the next fix.

Reinstall –

If none of the aforementioned workarounds are of help, then we suggest that you reinstall the game. At times, this particular method can be of help, so make sure to try it.

And that’s all the workarounds we have for this issue. You can also take a quick look here if you want to fix Fallout 4 crashing on your Steam Deck. Lastly, keep following DigiStatement for more such content. Also read: Stardew Valley missing executable error: How to fix it?