BitCraft Pre-Alpha Early Access Release Date : How to sign up online?

BitCraft Pre-Alpha Early Access Release Date : How to sign up online?

Bitcraft seems to be what everyone in the MMORPG genre has been wanting for the past few years but many game titles who have promised the gameplay experience did not do a great job in its development, we hope BitCraft is different as the game is quite interesting and seems to be a game that many can enjoy. It is a sandbox Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game or MMORPG, which includes different play styles such as farming, building, hunting, crafting to city building, and social strategy. The game takes place in one massive editable world for all players, where they can interact with each other and permanently change their surroundings. The game seems quite interesting with a lot to do from being able to rally together with friends or strangers and build a settlement from a small village to an economic hub or tame the animals you find in the wilderness using various techniques in the game, it really seems to have something for every type of person by harnessing all these various genres into one game. Hence, a lot of players are wondering how exactly they can become a Pre-Alpha tester for the game, we will address how you can do this further into the article.

How to become a BitCraft Pre-Alpha tester?

On the official discord for BitCraft Online, the Frequently-Asked-Questions tab had one question asking how a player can go about joining the Pre-Alpha testing, to which the answer was that you will need to sign up for it through their official website.

A link to their official website is here, you can sign up for the Pre-Alpha testing here, they further stated that updates regarding the Pre-Alpha testing will be announced through their Discord and as well as their social media platforms.

It should be noted that no Pre-Alpha test invites have gone out yet according to one of the developers on Discord, who mentioned that the invites will be going before the end of the year and they will make an announcement before the first wave of invites is sent out.

So if you’ve registered yourself for the Pre-Alpha test for BitCraft Online then do make sure to keep an eye on all announcements made on their Discord or through social media platforms, such as their Twitter.