Astronaut Captures Striking Photos Of Recent Lunar Eclipse From ISS

Astronaut Captures Striking Photos Of Recent Lunar Eclipse From ISS


  • ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti captured incredible photos of the recent eclipse
  • One of them even features the Earth's stunning glow
  • There will be two more eclipses later in the year

The recent lunar eclipse stunned viewers everywhere. Aboard the International Space Station (ISS), an astronaut even snapped incredible photos of the Moon looking like it was playing hide and seek.

The Earth passed between the Sun and the Moon from the night of May 15 to early May 16, creating a stunning lunar eclipse. While many people caught a glimpse of the Moon turning an eerie shade of red, European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti caught a rather unique view of the event while aboard the ISS.

In a set of photos Cristoforetti shared on Twitter, one can see the Moon seemingly hiding behind the ISS' solar panels. In one of the images, the Moon can even be seen against the Earth's stunning glow.

"A partially eclipsed Moon playing hide-and-seek with our solar panel," Cristoforetti wrote.