ARK 2 game details reportedly revealed on Reddit

ARK 2 game details reportedly revealed on Reddit

On the subreddit called Gaming Leaks and Rumours, what seems to be a developer of ARK 2 has leaked several details about the game. Let’s take a look at everything that was said, as well as its reliability. Right, into it then.

The first thing revealed is that the game will be released with 3 maps at launch. This should not come as too much of a surprise, since it is the norm at this point. Admittedly, not exactly the most exciting of starts to this leak. Don’t tune out yet, though since it does get better.

The very next item revealed is a massive new game mechanic: sleep cycles. Creatures in ARK 2 will supposedly have unique sleep cycles. As the developer says, certain animals will be more or less nocturnal. There is also the possibility of an animal having the same sleeping pattern as you, so you won’t even be affected by it.

The third item revealed is actually a combination of several things. First up, there is more story focus on the maps. While it is not entirely clear what this means at first glance, it is safe to assume that the map terrain will cater to the needs of the story more aggressively. This is something that is seen in most games in this genre, and it’s nice to see ARK 2 jumping on board. Also, the artefact system has been completely reworked. This is good news since the original game’s system was tedious at times. The last thing to touch on is the fact that bosses are inexistent now. This suggests that the entire hierarchy of enemies will also be reworked. We’ll have to wait and see what exactly this will invite.

Finally, the last major leak made was that character customization has been overhauled. This is not the biggest surprise, but it is great to hear that the devs have not neglected this side of the game.