40+ Sister Texts That Should Be Printed, Framed, and Laughed at for a Long, Long Time

40+ Sister Texts That Should Be Printed, Framed, and Laughed at for a Long, Long Time

40+ Sister Texts That Should Be Printed, Framed, and Laughed at for a Long, Long Time

Sisters — can’t live with them, can’t live without them. When you’re a sister of a sister, you have a special relationship with them. To those on the outside, your relationship appears very intimate and loving. Of course, it usually is, but those people on the outside rarely realize just how the sibling relationship works. There are a lot of insults, hilarious banter, and other things that you would never say to anyone besides them, even in a text conversation. These are some of the most hilarious texts between sisters on the internet.

Caught in the Act

When you lie to your sibling, you should probably make sure that there isn’t any evidence to contradict your story. Otherwise, you’re just setting yourself up for failure. In this instance, one of the sisters didn’t plan her deception too well.

Caught in the Act

We don’t know if brothers have as many issues with borrowing clothes from one another as sisters do. Frankly, it seems a little weird to us, but we suppose if your sibling has some really sweet attire, you might want free access to it.

Tell Me How You Really Feel

Your sibling will usually be very forthcoming with how they feel about you, even when it comes to something serious like the overall state of your life. In fact, your sibling may be the most frank about that kind of thing, aside from your parents.

Tell Me How You Really Feel

You can always rely on your siblings to tell you how it is, and how they perceive you. If they think your life is rough and that you’re in a bad spot, they will usually tell you. Whether or not they have a point is up for debate, most of the time.

Important Discussions

Sometimes, sisters need to talk about important things. Things like what they are going to eat. That may not seem important to some, but for others, there’s nothing more crucial than determining what meal they are going to have on any given day.

Important Discussions

Hey, at least this sister was considerate enough to even ask her sibling what she wanted. There’s a lot of sisters out there that would have just ordered whatever they wanted without asking at all, which is kind of rude.

Picked Up on That

Sisters do favors for other sisters — sometimes. And even when they do, they generally aren’t that gracious about it. In this instance, it’s more of a problem with having to pick up after one’s sister. That would put a lot of people in a bad mood.

Picked Up on That

This sister doesn’t seem to be too bent out of shape, but she’s still going to get her licks in for when her sibling sobers up. That way, her sarcasm can be saved and recorded for future posterity, which is pretty important in sibling relationships.

Two Types of People

Although sisters are often similar in many ways, there are just as many examples of how they are different from one another. Some of them possess very notable differences, such as the types of fears they have. Some people have more reasonable fears than others.

Two Types of People

But you know what, it’s perfectly fine for one sister to have silly fears while the other one has serious fears. After all, being forgotten is a pretty scary thing. And is anyone going to deny that the Kool-Aid Man is just a little creepy? We don’t think so.

An Understandable Reaction

It’s hard to flirt with someone you like. It’s embarrassing and flustering, and you may not know how to go about it due to anxiety. Generally speaking, your sister is someone who would probably understand this conundrum. That’s why you could share a sentiment like this one with her.

An Understandable Reaction

Frankly, there are many conversations between siblings that would sound very troubling if they were taken out of context. This happens to be one of them, but at least it’s fairly obvious that it’s a joke. At least, we sure hope it is.

Sounds Like a You Problem

Sisters share their problems with one another, but that doesn’t mean they necessarily care about those problems. After all, what one person thinks is a huge problem may be pretty insignificant for someone else. For instance, your sister may be unable to sleep.

Sounds Like a You Problem

Well, if you don’t have such weaknesses, there’s no need to stay up with her. Why sacrifice your sleep for them? It’s not your problem. This is exactly the type of thing we’d expect a sister, or any sibling really, to say to their troubled companion.

Get a Life

Sisters aren’t always poking fun at each other. Sometimes, they team up to make fun of someone else. Usually, though, that ends up being another person in their family. Mom or dad often make a prime target, as we can see right here.

Get a Life

Poor mom just wants to be friends with her kids, but honestly, that kind of thing doesn’t happen too terribly often. Sure — kids are often friends with their parents, but best friends? It’s usually a bit harder for a parent to truly breach that layer.

Poking Fun

Let’s be real — you’re not really someone’s sibling if you don’t mock them from time to time. Even siblings you like have to be the target of your mocking scorn every once in a while. This is one such example of how some sisters go about it.

Poking Fun

To be fair, that’s probably how a lot of people look and behave when they are forced to deal with exams, which is one of the most harrowing times for a lot of young people going through school. Maybe the lighthearted joke would actually relieve the tiniest amount of tension?

Thanks, Sis

Some sisters are very honest and harsh with one another. Most siblings tend to be very frank about how they feel, assuming that they are close to their sister or brother. Needless to say, that can often lead to some individuals being openly insulted.

Thanks, Sis

Well, that’s the price you pay for having a sister. Expect some scathing remarks every once in a while that make you do a double-take. Then consider whether or not that scathing remark is true and start feeling bad about yourself.

Just Make Friends

Being social is hard. For introverts, it may even be a hassle or undesirable. But sometimes, you’re just shy, and you really do want to make friends. If you have trouble with that, you may turn to your sister. How helpful she’ll be really depends, though.

Just Make Friends

In fact, she may not be very helpful at all, but at least she’s someone that you can share your feelings with. Sometimes, sharing with someone is all you need, even if what they have to say back isn’t really all that helpful.

Dodging the Job

There are many situations in which sisters are willing to help each other out. However, there are many situations where they would rather not. Doing the dishes isn’t really something that too many sisters want to do, even if you offer to pay them.

Dodging the Job

But come on, six bucks? Is that really enough to do your sibling a favor? We feel that they at least owe you $10 if you’re going to go out of your way to do their chores for them. That’s the price of convenience as well, you know!

Thanks for Sharing

Sisters tend to share information with each other that you wouldn’t really share with anyone else. After all, there are some things you can only tell other people if you have a really intimate relationship with them. Intimacy is a double-edged sword, really.

Thanks for Sharing

Your sisters may share some nice things with you, but they may also share things you didn’t really want to know, such as when they are going to the bathroom or the fact that they are planning to go to the bathroom. Too much information, sis.

The Sacred Rules

Sisters fight sometimes, but they often try to look out for each other as well. How they do that can vary, but it’s often a little weird and has more to do with the nature of their relationship. These sisters have clearly experienced some strange things before.

The Sacred Rules

Has the one sister slapped people before while out and about? Is she notorious for slapping strangers she doesn’t even know? Frankly, we’re more curious about the background story here than the text exchange itself.

Your Concern Is Noted

Most sisters are fairly certain that their siblings love them, but you don’t always get that feeling from them, do you? We’re fairly certain this text exchange is in somewhat dark humor, but even so, it’s kind of messed up.

Your Concern Is Noted

We suppose we would need more context in order to really judge just how funny or troubling this exchange is, but one way or another, it’s a great example of how siblings can behave with each other — in a way you wouldn’t with almost anyone else.

A Strong Argument

If you need to argue with your sibling, there are many ways to go about it. Needless to say, you don’t need to actually put too much logic into it if you don’t want to. Logic and rationale are things you use when arguing with strangers, not with your siblings.

A Strong Argument

This argument for getting a cat surely wouldn’t fly with us, but you never know — maybe it would be enough for the sister in question to consider a new pet.

Bonding Over Marriage

You may get into scraps with your siblings, but in the end, you often tend to support them where it counts. You know, if you have an actually good relationship, that is. You can always turn to your sisters if you need to complain about your spouse or significant other.

Bonding Over Marriage

There’s a certain sense of solidarity when you can complain to a sibling about someone else. It’s one of the times you can agree on most of your sentiments and get a good laugh out of things.

What’s the Password?

Some sisters are cool, but others are not. How do you know if your sister is cool or not? Well, usually you have to run some sort of test by them. You can choose what that test is depending on what you think is an important distinction for ‘cool.’

What’s the Password?

In this situation, that distinction ended up being a lyrical test, apparently. But hey, every sibling dynamic gets to choose what they consider cool, and what they consider mandatory to actually get help and appreciation from their sibling.

One Troubling Exchange

Have you ever gotten one of those exchanges with your siblings that makes you a little concerned for them? There’s usually about one every week or two if you communicate with your sibling on a relatively normal basis.

One Troubling Exchange

We don’t know what prompted this sister to send such an alarming and troubling picture, but the other sister is probably right in saying that her therapist needs to be paid more for the things that she deals with.

Not Very Subtle

Your sibling doesn’t always try to be blunt about things. Sometimes, they try to be subtle about making fun of you, but that doesn’t mean they always do a particularly good job. For instance, what we have right here is an example of very obvious slander.

Not Very Subtle

Probably all in good fun, like most things between siblings who are actually friends. We assume these sisters like each other well enough because you wouldn’t be giving your Netflix password to someone you disliked, right?

How Close Are You?

When communicating with your sibling, you have to be very careful about showing affection. It’s an unspoken rule that you have to act as though you dislike them, and only show affection begrudgingly. Such is the sibling code.

How Close Are You?

So that involves a lot of punching, grumbling, harmless antagonism, and the like. We believe that every sibling measures the distance to their brother or sister by whether or not they are close enough to hit them. At least once, anyway.

Word Indeed

There are some sisters out there that are actually difficult to insult even in a loving manner, simply because they handle things so well. You can even liken them to a zit in an undesirable (is any zit location desirable?) place and they don’t get too mad about it.

Word Indeed

But, then again, it’s also kind of funny to have them agree with you when you’re actually saying something bad about them. We suppose some people don’t really care or are humorous enough to just roll with things like that.

Can’t Believe We’re Having This Conversation

There are times when you can’t believe your sibling is acting a certain way, and times when even they can’t believe they are acting a certain way. When that happens, chances are that both sisters will call attention to it, because it’s weird.

Can’t Believe We’re Having This Conversation

And if that conversation is just about a shoe or something, well, that’s a perfectly valid thing to get into this type of exchange over. Though, without a picture, we naturally can’t tell if the shoe was really that amazing.

Sounds Like a Plan

When you get older, your sister is still your sister, and you still have many of the same conversations that you always did. It’s just the content of those conversations that change, really. Get old enough, and it could be about Life Alert.

Sounds Like a Plan

It’s actually a pretty good idea for older people to get Life Alert and similar products since you never know when you’ll be in an emergency and need help. It’s nice to see these sisters looking out for each other.

Family Callsigns

There are certain nicknames you would probably only call a member of your family. Needless to say, the one we see here is probably something sisters would generally reserve for each other — though the exchange is pretty funny itself.

Family Callsigns

This type of weird code language is how a lot of siblings communicate with each other because being intimate with one another gives you access to the understanding you would need to make sense of it.

Puke and Rally

Really, we’re not sure if your siblings are ever the people that you should turn to for advice if you have a problem. Some of them probably offer good advice, but we feel that most of them really don’t. Like this sister.

Puke and Rally

We don’t know how valuable the advice to ‘puke and rally’ really is, but we certainly feel like something better could have been offered up. Then again, we’re hardly experts in that field, so maybe it actually is useful?

Well, That’s Reassuring

A sibling will often choose to reassure their sister if it is needed, but how they go about it may be pretty weird. Sisters tend to use weird compliments to try and make you feel better. Are people with nice hair generally better off?

Well, That’s Reassuring

We suppose people that have nice anything tend to be better off than those that don’t, based on the fact that nice things usually indicate that you’re doing well on at least one front. Either way, definitely an odd sister exchange.

True Emotional Trauma

Try to tell a stranger that your favorite TV character died and that’s why you’re sad, and you’ll probably get some odd looks. Tell that to your sibling and they’ll probably agree with you, maybe even hold a fictional funeral for them.

True Emotional Trauma

It’s just one of those things that sisters can bond over — if anything happens to an actor or actress they love or even just a character that’s played by them, you can expect a sense of solidarity in that place.

You Think So?

There are some compliments in life that, when you really think about them, aren’t as flattering as they were perhaps intended to be. Kind of like — ‘Hey, you would play a really good creepy character.’ We imagine a lot of actors or actresses are displeased by that.

You Think So?

So, being told that you’d probably be good at making an illicit substance is something that you probably wouldn’t be happy about. Then again, though, we suppose some people would actually be happy about it, though that’s concerning in its own way.

Generosity With Terms

Sisters can be generous with one another, but like most siblings, there are often caveats to that generosity. Needless to say, that’s better than nothing, but you have to wonder if they would actually be more generous to a stranger than they are to you.

Generosity With Terms

Then again, it’s easier to strongarm someone you know, and someone who’s more willing to tolerate it because they are familiar with you. That’s a little riskier if you are doing it with complete strangers. Oh, and what’s this about bringing your own underwear?

Brainstorm With Me

If the time comes to provide your mother or father with a present of some sort and you don’t know what to get them, you may need to turn to your siblings for help. Although, they often fail to really be useful themselves on that front.

Brainstorm With Me

It’s an age-old tale — a lot of kids just really don’t know what to get their parents. That’s why there are so many unloved ties and mugs out there in the world. It’s kind of sad, really.

All You Need

If you know your sister very well, you can probably summon them to your location with the right bait. For many sisters, that bait ends up being thin mints. Can’t blame them for it, since thin mints are pretty darn good.

All You Need

Besides, it’s nice to enjoy something so simple with your sibling from time to time. It’s not like you have to do too much to really bond with them if you just understand each other enough to know what works and what doesn’t.

What’s the Discussion Here?

Some people are not very graceful eaters. That’s just a harsh truth for many individuals out there. If you are worried about whether or not you look weird while eating, ask your sibling how they feel about it, and they’ll probably tell you the truth.

What’s the Discussion Here?

They may admit that you look like a monkey while eating, or they may tell you that the problem is all in your head and that there’s nothing to worry about. But, at least you have someone you can ask that strange question to, at any rate.

True Sibling Affection

Sisters will tell other people that they are both immensely beautiful. But, when they are talking to each other, they are far less likely to do that. Well, sometimes it goes both ways. Some sisters will praise each other to the ends of the Earth.

True Sibling Affection

Others, like these sisters, will fling insults towards each other without a care — though it’s obvious that neither of them is taking it seriously. That’s a big part of how siblings interact with one another.

The Offer Is on the Table

Sisters will often try to do things on your behalf. Whether or not those are things are what you actually wanted are debatable every single time. This time, it seems that a pet was in question.

The Offer Is on the Table

When it comes down to a pig or a rabbit, we would probably prefer a rabbit, honestly. We don’t know that much about micro pigs, but we do know that rabbits tend to be very docile and easy to take care of, so that would be our vote.

Think of the Children!

We’re going to go ahead and state that Game of Thrones is probably not suitable fiction content for children, especially a child that’s under the age of four. Then again, a kid that young probably wouldn’t remember most of it anyway, right?

Think of the Children!

Still, these sisters should probably reconsider what they think is appropriate for children, even though we are fairly certain they are just joking in the context of this particular exchange. Maybe.

This Is Important

Lots of sisters make unreasonable demands of their siblings. Usually, it’s for relatively silly things that aren’t actually that important, but they are important to them. We suppose everyone has a different metric of judgment on that front.

This Is Important

Still, you probably shouldn’t call your sister in the middle of the workday just because you really want to see her reaction to something. Surely she’ll react to it just the same if you were to call her and tell her about it later.

What I Love About You

Some people believe that you have to act a certain way when you reach a certain age, like you have to leave any semblance of your childhood behind when you are an adult. Most people don’t actually do that, though — they just hide their childish side until they are with a certain someone.

What I Love About You

Oftentimes, that person is their brother or sister. Your sibling will always understand that underlying desire to build a pillow fort and let the imagination run wild. Adults should never let that imagination escape them.

Because She Hates You

If a teacher dislikes your sister, she may not be overly fond of you either, even if that’s not really a fair way to judge people. But, at the same time, the unjustly treated sister will probably unjustly snap at her sibling in return for it.

Because She Hates You

Maybe the real blame should just go to the teacher who’s being unfair to one sibling just because she doesn’t like the other sibling. That’s really not a good metric to judge how you’re going to treat someone.

A Little Forewarning

Sisters may make fun of each other a lot, but that’s because they are close to each other. If you’re not in that circle, you don’t want to make enemies out of one of them, because you will often be making enemies out of both of them. Bonds of blood and kinship and all that.

A Little Forewarning

Besides, do you really want two sisters plotting against you? It’s bad enough having one sister trying to mess up aspects of your life, so you definitely don’t want two of them to be working together. Sounds like trouble!

Don’t Make Me Beg

There are people in life that you would do things for without giving them any grief. Those people are not your siblings. Very few siblings will do things for each other without at least a bit of teasing. That’s just the way it is.

Don’t Make Me Beg

Of course, you still ultimately do the thing the asked for. It’s just a matter of flexing your power over them for a brief moment. After all, where would they be without you in that moment? A lot of crap, if you catch our drift.

I Will Threaten You

Isn’t it a little weird how we are more willing to threaten and intimidate our loved ones than we are with complete strangers sometimes? A lot of siblings will hold things over each other, in ways that they never would to a genuine friend.

I Will Threaten You

Well, we suppose it’s actually easier to be like this with someone that you’re close to. Almost like you feel entitled to a little bit of mean behavior every once in a while because you are closer to them.

Hard to Believe

If anyone is going to make fun of you for being single, it will first and foremost be your siblings. Your parents and your friends are on that list somewhere, as well as internet trolls, but siblings are usually first. It’s just too easy to take advantage of.

Hard to Believe

Of course, in this situation, we have to admit that the sister who dropped her phone had it coming. You can’t really make a mistake like that and expect to fully dodge flak from your sibling.

All Siblings Can Relate

Now, there are some things that aren’t particularly exclusive to sisters. In fact, this kind of thing happens between all siblings, and all family members really. If you have a sibling, you’re well aware of how hard it is to beat them in an argument.

All Siblings Can Relate

It’s not about actually proving that you’re right, it’s about getting them to even consider the fact that they could be wrong. Most of the time, your sister isn’t even willing to compromise on the idea of both of you being wrong. That’s just how siblings are most times.