Mets part ways with Zack Scott two months after DWI arrest

Mets part ways with Zack Scott two months after DWI arrest

Acting general manager Zack Scott’s tenure with the Mets is officially finished, following his placement on administrative leave for a DWI arrest.

An industry source confirmed Monday that Scott won’t be returning to the organization. SNY first reported Scott’s departure. The 44-year-old Scott, who is awaiting trial, was holding out hope as recently as last week that he might return.

Scott was arrested at 4:17 a.m. on Aug. 31 in White Plains, after police found him asleep in a 2018 Toyota on South Lexington Avenue, near the federal courthouse and police headquarters, according to police. After refusing to give blood or submit to a Breathalyzer, Scott failed a field sobriety test.

Zack Scott MetsActing general manager Zack Scott will not return to the Mets.Corey Sipkin

He was also charged with stopping on a highway, disobeying a traffic control device and failing to notify the Department of Motor Vehicles about a change of address. Scott had attended a fundraiser at team owner Steve Cohen’s home in Greenwich, Conn., earlier that night, but according to multiple sources that event ended by 9 p.m.

After pleading not guilty, Scott appeared in court last month. His case is due for trial on Dec. 8.