How The Golden Globes Are Changing For The Better

How The Golden Globes Are Changing For The Better

The Golden Globes has announced a few important changes it’s implementing for shows to come, which include adding more diverse members and more ethical rules. 

The Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) is the organization that instituted and co-produces the awards each year,  and is responsible for designating each years' honorees and winners. The group of 87 members, all international journalists, came under fire this year after allegations it wasn't diverse.

That is all now set to change, with the organization addressing the controversy and announcing a slew of changes Thursday that were made by its membership. One big change includes diversifying the offers and members of the organization as a whole, in order to incorporate more persons of color, who were not previously represented in the HFPA. 

"Today's overwhelming vote to reform the association reaffirms our commitment to change," HFPA President Ali Sar said in a statement.