Exercises And Tips To Help Ease Joint Pain Related To Rheumatoid Arthritis

Exercises And Tips To Help Ease Joint Pain Related To Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis can make exercise feel impossible, but a sedentary lifestyle can actually worsen symptoms. Building strength creates muscles that support joints and take off some of the pressure. Stretching can also help alleviate pain by improving joint function.

The key is sticking to more low-impact exercises, such as yoga and swimming. Read on for some specific moves to try, the best forms of exercise for joint pain, and a few workout tips for those with rheumatoid arthritis.

Weighted Sled Push

Weighted sled pushes may look like something only athletes do, but they’re actually suitable for all levels. Best of all, they are low-impact and build strength and stability in multiple joints at once.

Be sure that the sled has an appropriate amount of weight on it. Grab the handles and lean into it with arms extended. As you push, focus on extending your hips and knees as much as possible to enhance your range of motion.