AI Revealed What Hell Might Look Like And It's Scary

AI Revealed What Hell Might Look Like And It's Scary

For those unfamiliar with how AI actually works, let's do an easy refresher. Whether pictures, videos, or words, AI — including large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT — examines large quantities of information to make predictions about what people want when they make a prompt. Then, it reassembles that existing data into its own version of what it's being asked to reproduce. Basically, AI can only reassemble what it's analyzed, but it can cycle through a lot of information very, very quickly.

So what prompt or request did TikTok user @realscarytok make? We've got no clue. Is it even a video based on a prompt from that particular user? We've also got no clue. But presumably, the video — which is actually just an 18-second clip — might have been asked to focus on clawing, crowded hands and forearms with lots of veins, dusty-looking skin, a sepia color tone, and something that looks like dirt funneling human bodies down a tube. And there's that yelling dude with a shifting face. In other words: a typical morning commute on a train or bus.

One person in the video's comments section made a similar gag and simply wrote, "Crowded as hell." Another person took the opportunity to make is assumedly a religious comment and assert, "Believe me hell is worse than this." And yet somebody else took the glummest of approaches and said, "Hell is what we are currently living in."