5 Pros and 5 Cons of Oat Milk

5 Pros and 5 Cons of Oat Milk

The Pros

Special diet and vegan-friendly milk alternative. Many people have special dietary restrictions against milk, for example, lactose intolerance and eating vegan. Oat milk is also a good substitute for soy, gluten, or nut free diets.

Helps prevent anemia. According to an article on Dr. Axe, oat milk helps prevent anemia due to its high content of iron. One cup of oat milk has about 10% of the daily required intake of iron.

Strengthens bones. Oat milk is often fortified with calcium, which is important for strong bones.

Contains high amounts of fiber and protein. SFGate reported how protein and fiber help lower cholesterol, promote regular bowel movements, hunger management, and also aids in muscle building.

Lowers cholesterol. Increasing dietary fiber is a great way to increase blood and cholesterol health according to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Oat milk is high in of fiber, therefore it can help reduce blood cholesterol levels.

The Cons

May contain high amounts of sugar and preservatives. Sugar and preservatives are sometimes added during the production process of many brands of oat milk to improve the taste and shelf life. Consume a large amount of sugar may decrease the health benefits of oat milk.

May be processed in the same facilities as gluten-containing products. For those that choose to drink oat milk due to dietary restrictions of gluten, there is a risk of cross-contamination as many oat milk brands produce their product in the same facility they produce products with gluten. To avoid cross-contamination, it is important to find a brand of oat milk that is labeled “certified gluten-free”.

Not as nutrient dense as other milk products. Oat milk does not naturally contain the same nutrients that milk does naturally. An article on Facty Healthy explains in depth just how much difference in nutrient density there is between oat milk and cows milk.

Has a lot of calories and carbohydrates. According to a label of the Pacific Foods Original Oat Milk one glass of oat milk has 130 calories and 25 grams of carbohydrates.

Not a suitable alternative of milk for most babies and children. As oat milk is not as nutrient dense as cows milk, it makes sense that it will not be a safe milk alternative for children who are depending on those nutrients to grow properly.