30 Little But Important Things That Everyone Should Know

30 Little But Important Things That Everyone Should Know

The world is full of wondrous things. Everywhere you look, you are greeted by the sight of beautiful natural landscapes, animals that have the ability to camouflage themselves into nature, and little hacks that should be common knowledge. With so much information about the world out there, it can be hard to know what you should learn or research. Some people develop niche interests, which leads them to heavily researching specific areas. Yet, with all of that information on one subject, sometimes others get overlooked.

Luckily, we have done the research and developed a list of all of the items everyone should know. Some of these little factoids will make life easier, like how to properly clean a stove. Other items will simply have you looking at the world in a new way. It’s important to constantly learn new things, because it is impossible to know everything. A wise person recognizes they cannot know everything, and that thirst for knowledge is what leads you to constantly learn more. Start scrolling to find out some facts you definitely need to know. These will be little things that you can adapt to your own life, and ultimately make it better.

The Best Way To Clean A Stove

The stove top in a kitchen is one of the most used surfaces. You cook all of your meals on it, and sometimes those meals like to boil over. That can lead to a pretty sticky mess that needs to be cleaned up.


You might think the best way to clean up the mess, is to just wash around the elements, but most stove tops can be lifted up. This makes it easy to clean out all of the grit and keep your kitchen looking sparkling clean.


Don’t Be A Chemical Mixologist

When it comes time to do some spring cleaning, it’s important that you have all of the right tools and chemicals. Windex is for windows, and bleach is for bathrooms. Some chemicals can be mixed together, and some cannot.


When ammonia containing products, and bleach are mixed together, they form a toxic gas called chloramine. This gas is poisonous, and can make family members who live in the home pretty ill. Always check the labels on your cleaning products before mixing them together.


More Pizza For Less

Pizza is one of the most delicious foods out there. A lot of people think that two pizzas equates to more pizza, but when measuring the area of an 18-inch pizza when compared to two 12-inch pizzas, the results are pretty startling.


The area is actually more, which means you get to eat more scrumptious pizza when you order one big one, rather than two smaller ones. Now, you know exactly what to order the next time you want delivery pizza.


The Key To Conversation

Not everybody is totally at ease in social situations. It can be hard to strike up a conversation with somebody new, but it doesn’t need to be hard if you remember one short acronym – FORD.


FORD means family, occupation, recreation and dreams. If you select one of these subjects to talk about, then conversation should flow easily, and everyone should feel at easy talking about a subject they know personally.


Understanding The Sun

The sun can look like a lot of different colors, depending on where you are on the planet, the time of day, or the time of year. The sun is not a giant orange orb, the way it most often looks.


Instead, the sun is a blindingly white star that all of the planets it our solar system are arranged around. When you can see the sun, it means that that side of the planet is facing the sun, and when it is dark, it means that the other side of the planet is experiencing daylight.


For The Caffeine Lovers

Most of us like to enjoy a fresh cup of coffee first thing in the morning. There is a common misconception that the darker the roast of coffee, the more caffeine it contains. It is actually the exact opposite.


The lighter the roast, the more caffeine is in the bean. That’s due to the roasting process, as the more a coffee bean is roasted, the more the caffeine is roasted out of it.


Viruses Versus Bacteria

Nobody enjoys being sick, especially when it is with the flu. Sometimes catching the flu cannot be avoided. If you do catch the flu, think twice about going to the doctor.


A doctor will not prescribe antibiotics because those are for bacteria, not viruses which are what cause the flu. To get over the flu, all you need to do is drink some hot tea, sleep, and rest until your body manages to fight off the virus causing it.


Cats And Milk

For decades, we have been led to believe that cats enjoy lapping up bowls of milk. In reality, while cats do enjoy having some milk, their little bodies do not. Cats, like a lot of humans, can be lactose intolerant.


That means they cannot properly digest milk, which can lead to an upset stomach. Save yourself the clean up, and your cat the discomfort of having to go to the bathroom a lot, and say “No” to giving them milk.


How To Wash Clothes

With so many different fabrics, like linen, silk, and cotton, it can be hard to know how to wash clothing. Each piece of clothing has a tag with some symbols on it, and those symbols do not belong to a secret language.


In fact, each symbol is coded to explain how to wash the garment. For example, it if needs to be hand washed, or only washed in cold, the tag will explain this.


Finding The Gas Tank

Sometimes it can be hard to remember what side of the vehicle a gas tank is on, especially if it is a new one or a rental. Luckily, manufacturers created an easy solution for this.


If you look at your dash, and star at the fuel gauge, there will be an arrow on either the right or the left side. Whatever side the arrow is on, is the side the gas tank is on. You will never need to play the gas tank guessing game again.


Ice Chewing And Anemia

Are you one of those people that enjoys munching on ice? The fact that you like eating ice isn’t in itself strange, but it could mean that you have a health condition known as anemia.


Anemia is caused by low iron, and is easily diagnosable with a blood test. The urge to crunch on ice, and get that cool feeling in your mouth may be an indicator that you need to get your iron levels checked.


Dishwashers Need To Be Washed Too

Dishwashers can get clogged with food and other gunk which can lead to flooding and all sorts of less than ideal situations. A lot of people don’t think about the fact that dishwashers need a bit of TLC.


At least once a month, your dishwasher should be run through on a cleaning cycle and had its filters checked for anything that might clog it. That will keep it running in tip top shape.


Cats And Plants

Cats love to wander by houseplants, flowers, and even some veggies and give them a nibble. Most of the time this is fine, but certain flowers like lilies and heads of garlic can cause some serious damage if cats eat them.


Before you bring any plants into your home, research whether or not they are feline friendly. You want to keep your cat happy and healthy, which means a home without poisonous plants.


Check Engine

Usually when you turn your car on, the check engine light will blink for a couple of seconds. This is totally normal, and the light should go off.


If the light doesn’t turn on at all, then this may indicate that there is a problem with your vehicle. In some instances, it is a sign that someone has been playing with your dashboard, and some of the wires may have been disconnected.


Great Balls Of Grass

Spontaneous combustion is one of those things that is seen in movies, but never in real life. When bales of hay or grass are kept in a field, they tend to dry out. This creates a tinderbox life effect, which means if they get hot enough they can burst into flame.


That’s because of bacteria within the hay itself, that is flammable. To avoid this, always move hay or grass into a protected area that has moisture in the air.


These Heels Were Made For Walking

Unless you are a short actor, it’s pretty uncommon to see men walking around in high heels. High heels weren’t always designed for women though. In France, during the 1700s, stylish men would often be seen wearing heeled shoes to give them some extra height.


That extra height is why women don sky high stilettos now. Heels are for everyone, that is what history has taught us. Always wear your heels with confidence.


The Smell Of Skunk

As soon as you see a skunk slinking along the sidewalk, be very careful. These little black and white guys have the ability to spray you with a very stinky oil. To eliminate that smell from your body and your clothes, you do not want to bathe in tomato sauce.


Instead, you want to douse your body in dish soap, and a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. This mixture will help to get rid of the lingering skunk smell.


Body Smell Versus Sweating

A lot of people think that deodorant and antiperspirant are the same, but the names actually signify a pretty big distinction. Deodorant is designed to make your body smell good, and antiperspirant is designed to stop you from perspiring or producing sweat.


Once you know the difference it is easy to determine what you need when you head to the store. What you need really depends on your body, and whether or not you tend to be a bit smelly or a bit sweaty.


Finders Not Keepers

Losing your wallet or keys can seem like a major nuisance, but if you live in North America, Australia or any of the countries in the European Union then it shouldn’t be.


You can depend on the kindness of strangers, and if someone finds your keys or your wallet with an address attached, those can be placed in a mailbox. The postal service will then see your keys returned free of charge. How nice is that?


Cosmic Latte

Have you ever wondered if a color exists that is considered to be the color of the universe? There is a color that is one of the most often seen colors on this planet and in the cosmos. It is a pale yellow color, and it has been aptly named ‘cosmic latte.’


If you have been looking for a neutral shade to paint your home or business then this is it. It makes a room feel nice and warm, without being overwhelming.


Understanding Contractions

Grammar is tricky, especially if it is in a second language. The phrases ‘should have’ and ‘could have’ can be turned into contractions, which most people mistake for ‘should of’ and ‘could of.’


The proper contractions are ‘should’ve’ and ‘could’ve.’ Always remember that when you’re speaking and writing. For formal conversations, it is best to do away with contractions all together.


Cinco de Mayo

The Mexican holiday, Cinco de Mayo or May 5th in English, is a major day for celebration across the country.


Contrary to popular belief though, this is a day that is celebrating the Battle of Puebla, where the Mexican army and the French army clashed. This was a pivotal battle, which is why it is celebrated. However, this should not be confused with Independence Day.


Go Up A Size

Fish bowls have been one of the go to’s for new pet owners. They look great sitting on a countertop, and the little fish can add a bit of decoration to the room. Those small bowls are not conducive to a healthy environment though.


The fish doesn’t get the amount of oxygen it needs to thrive, and ultimately, you fish may begin to look a bit droopy. Size up, and go for an aquarium with a filtration system.


Goodbye Crumbs

A lot of people work from home nowadays, which means it is that much easier to grab a snack from the kitchen and start chowing down over your keyboard. That can lead to a lot of crumbs, that could make your keyboard a bit sticky and a bit messy.


You don’t need to buy an expensive cleaner to fix this though, you can simply run a post it around each key. The stick part will snag all the crumbs.


Free Speech

In the United States of America, the First Amendment states the right to free speech. Just because you have the right to state your beliefs though, doesn’t mean that people won’t in turn share their own.


Free speech goes both ways, and many people who share their views need to be prepared to have a discussion about them, and receive possible criticism.


A Monster Has No Name

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is one of the most well-known novels in the world. At the heart of the story are Dr. Frankenstein and his monster, who most people think is named after the doctor.


In reality, the creation is never named. Only once does the creation mention a possible name, with the line, “Adam of your labours.”


Light Refraction

Have you ever stared down at the veins in your hand, while you are standing outside in the sun? Your blood does not appear to be red, instead it looks blue.


This strange phenomenon is actually a trick of the light. The sun’s light refraction makes humans appear to be blue blooded, even though their blood is always red.


No More Bread

Going to the park with your family and friends is a great way to spend a few hours. You get to see the beautiful gardens, and enjoy the wildlife. Ducks leisurely floating around a pond might look hungry, but they usually aren’t.


All of the bread that park goers feed them actually leads to some very human problems, like tummy troubles and weight gain. It’s better to just let them catch their food themselves.


Cleaning Up

Rodents love houses, especially ones that are nice and warm and full of tasty foods. When rodents decide to move in, you need to be very careful about how you clean.


Any goodies that rodents leave behind could be contaminated with diseases that can pass to humans. Stay safe, and use a bleach-based cleaner to wipe everything up, and keep your home squeaky clean.


Sharing Salaries

Whenever a new employee starts a job, they are told by human resources that certain documents are confidential and not to be shared – like salaries. This is not actually true though.


Employees can share what they make, employers just don’t like this because it makes other employees want to be paid more if they are making less. If you’re going to do this, do it quietly.