10 Ways To Increase Hydration Throughout The Day

Ensuring your body receives the water it needs is key to good health, yet it’s astonishingly easy to fall short of optimal hydration levels. Failure to drink enough water can lead to headaches, fatigue, foggy thinking and other issues. The good news? There are simple strategies you can adopt to consistently hydrate your body, boost energy and maintain focus. Here, we at HFR outline 10 science-backed techniques to help you incorporate more water into your daily routine and keep yourself properly hydrated.

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Carry a reusable water bottle 

Carrying a reusable water bottle is an effective way to stay hydrated on the go, according to research. Studies have found that people who use reusable water bottles drink up to 47% more water throughout the day compared to those who rely on tap water. By having a water bottle handy, you’ll be prompted to drink regularly, whether at work, while exercising, or running errands.

Not only that, but opting for a reusable bottle over disposable plastic bottles helps reduce environmental waste and saves money in the long run. When choosing a reusable water bottle, look for one that’s easy to carry, with a convenient size, hard-sided construction for durability, and leak-proof lid. You can also find bottles with built-in filters to ensure clean, safe drinking water. Overall, carrying a reusable water bottle can serve as a helpful visual cue to stay hydrated, boosting your overall health and well-being.

Set reminders on your phone to drink water at regular intervals

In our busy lives, it’s all too easy to forget to drink water, leading to symptoms like fatigue, headache, and dull focus. Setting phone reminders is an effective way to stay on top of your hydration, according to research.

You can use the built-in reminder app on your phone or download a specialized water tracker app. Some apps let you set personalized hydration goals and track your progress over time. Studies show that receiving drink reminders can significantly increase water intake. One study found that participants who received drink prompts consumed nearly twice as much water compared to the control group.

By using reminders to drink water at regular intervals, like every 2 hours, you can ensure that you meet your daily hydration needs. This can boost your energy levels, productivity, mood, and overall health. Staying hydrated has also been linked to benefits like healthier skin, better brain function and memory.

So if you struggle with remembering to drink water, especially on busy days, setting phone reminders is a simple and effective strategy backed by research.

Drink water before, during, and after exercise to replace lost fluids

Staying hydrated during exercise is critical for maintaining performance, energy levels and avoiding dehydration. To ensure proper hydration, it’s important to drink water before, during and after your workout.

Aiming to drink at least 16 ounces of water about two hours before exercise can help ready your body for the upcoming physical activity. During your workout, sip water every 15-20 minutes to replace sweat losses. Individual sweat rates can vary greatly, so listen to your body and adjust your hydration accordingly.

After exercise, continue drinking water to rehydrate and aid your body’s recovery process. Drinking water post-workout can also help reduce muscle soreness and cramping. Your hydration needs will depend on factors like workout intensity, temperature, humidity and your body weight.

In a study, participants who consumed water after exercise showed significantly faster rehydration compared to a placebo. So make a conscious effort to drink water immediately after finishing your workout and throughout the recovery period. Staying properly hydrated throughout your exercise routine is key to maximizing performance and minimizing exercise-related health risks.

Swap out sugary drinks for herbal tea or flavored water

Drinking sweet beverages like soda, energy drinks and fruit juices is a major source of added sugars and excess calories in the typical diet. This can lead to weight gain, tooth decay, and other health conditions.

A simple way to reduce your sugar intake while staying hydrated is by swapping sweet drinks for healthier options like herbal tea and flavored water.

Herbal teas are a great alternative, providing flavor without any calories or sugar. There are many varieties of herbal tea, each with their own unique health benefits in addition to taste. You can also make your own infused water by adding slices of fruit, vegetables or herbs. For instance, cucumber or lemon slices can give water a refreshing, natural flavor and aroma.

A study found that participants who replaced sugar-sweetened beverages with water or other low-calorie drinks lost more weight over time compared to those who did not change their drink habits. So simply swapping soda and fruit juices for herbal tea and infused water can be an easy strategy for cutting excess calories and sugar from your diet, aiding weight loss and improving overall health.

Add fresh fruit to water for a refreshing twist

Adding fresh fruit like lemon or cucumber slices to your water is a simple and effective way to make it more enjoyable and refreshing to drink, according to research.

Not only do fruit slices add flavor, but they also provide potential health benefits. Lemons are high in vitamin C which supports the immune system and promotes collagen production for healthy skin. Meanwhile, cucumbers contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that may help reduce swelling and inflammation.

To make your own infused water, slice up lemons or cucumbers and add them to a pitcher or bottle of water. Letting the mixture sit in the fridge for a few hours allows the flavors to infuse the water. One study found that flavored water was preferred over plain water and resulted in increased water intake among participants.

Overall, infusing your water with fresh fruit is a simple way to stay hydrated while getting some extra nutrients from the fruit. This is a healthier alternative to sugary drinks and can help you meet your daily water needs to support overall health and wellbeing.

To make fresh fruit infused water:

  1. Slice lemons, limes, oranges, or cucumbers

  2. Add fruit slices to a pitcher or water bottle filled with cold water

  3. Let sit in the fridge for at least 2 hours

  4. Remove fruit slices before drinking

Eat water-rich foods 

Consuming water-rich foods is an effective way to stay hydrated during the day, in addition to drinking water. These foods not only provide water, but also contain important nutrients, fiber and other beneficial plant compounds.

Some examples of water-rich foods include:

Watermelon – Made up of over 90% water, along with vitamins A, C and B6, lycopene and other antioxidants.

Cucumbers – Composed of 96% water and also high in vitamin K, magnesium and antioxidants like flavonoids.

Tomatoes – Containing 94% water and the antioxidant lycopene, which may help lower the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Celery – Comprised of 95% water and supplying antioxidants, fiber and important electrolytes like sodium and potassium.

Spinach – Containing over 90% water and providing fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin for eye health.

Adding these water-rich fruits and vegetables to meals and snacks throughout the day can help increase your overall water intake and nutrient consumption. You can also blend water-rich produce into smoothies for a hydrating, nutrient-dense drink.

Research shows that consuming water-rich foods may promote hydration and health as effectively as simply drinking water. So incorporating more of these foods into your diet is a simple approach to boosting your fluid levels naturally.

Use a hydration tracker app to monitor water intake and set daily goals

Using a hydration tracker app is an effective way to monitor your water intake and ensure adequate hydration, according to research.

These apps allow you to set daily water intake goals and track your progress as you drink throughout the day. Some apps also provide reminders and notifications to prompt you to drink water at regular intervals. Studies have found that drink reminders can significantly increase water intake. One study showed that participants who received drink prompts consumed nearly twice as much water compared to the control group.

By tracking your water consumption with an app, you gain insight into your hydration habits and can make adjustments as needed to meet your body’s fluid needs.

Hydration tracker apps are particularly useful for:

• People who have trouble remembering to drink water regularly
• Those who struggle staying motivated to drink enough throughout the day
• Individuals trying to improve overall diet and lifestyle

In summary, hydration tracker apps provide an effective tool for self-monitoring and behavior change around drinking water. By helping you stay on top of your hydration, these apps can ensure you feel your best and maintain optimal health.

Drink a glass of water before each meal to help control appetite and prevent overeating

Drinking a glass of water before meals can be an effective strategy for controlling appetite and reducing calorie intake, according to research.

When you drink water, it helps fill up your stomach which can make you feel fuller sooner. This may lead to eating less food during the meal, aiding weight loss or maintenance efforts. In one study, participants who consumed water 30 minutes before meals lost 44% more weight over a period of 12 weeks compared to a control group.

In addition, drinking water before eating helps stimulate the production of digestive juices and enzymes which can aid digestion and nutrient absorption. Having good digestive health also supports weight management.

To make this a habit, try keeping a full glass of water on your table or counter and drinking it before sitting down to each meal. Even small changes, like adding this one simple step, can add up over time.

In summary, drinking a glass of water before meals may help control appetite, reduce calorie intake, improve digestion and lead to weight loss – if incorporated consistently as part of an overall healthy lifestyle.

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Keep a pitcher of water in the fridge with slices of fresh fruit or herbs 

Making infused water by adding fruit and herbs to a pitcher kept in the fridge is a delicious and enjoyable way to stay hydrated. Infused water can provide a tasty and refreshing alternative to sugary drinks like soda and fruit juice.

Simply slice up your choice of fruit – such as lemon, lime, berries or any combination – and add it to a pitcher of water. Letting the mixture sit in the fridge for a few hours or overnight allows the flavors to infuse the water.

You can also drop in herbs like mint, basil or rosemary to create an herbal infusion with a more complex flavor profile. The result is a hydrating and satisfying drink that can help you meet your daily fluid needs. The added nutrients from the fruit and herb slices provide an extra bonus. For example, lemon and lime are high in vitamin C while berries contain antioxidants. Herbs like mint and basil contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.

Experimenting with different fruit and herb combinations will help you discover your favorite flavor combinations and infused water recipes. Keeping an infused water pitcher in the fridge makes it easy to stay hydrated simply by pouring yourself a tall, refreshing glass of flavorful water.

Don’t wait until you feel thirsty to drink water; aim to drink small amounts throughout the day to stay hydrated

Relying solely on thirst to determine when to drink water can be counterproductive because thirst is an indication that you’re already mildly dehydrated. Instead, making a conscious effort to drink water at regular intervals throughout the day is key to maintaining proper hydration.

Aim to sip small amounts of water frequently, rather than drinking large quantities all at once. This helps keep fluid levels stable in your body and reduces the risk of developing dehydration symptoms like headaches, fatigue, and dizziness. One simple strategy is to carry a reusable water bottle with you and sip from it throughout your daily activities. Having a water bottle within reach prompts you to drink regularly, ensuring you meet your fluid needs.

Research shows that people who use reusable water bottles tend to drink more water throughout the day compared to those who rely on tap water. In one study, participants with water bottles consumed up to 47% more water. In short, don’t wait for thirst to drink. Make staying hydrated a priority by sipping small amounts of water at consistent intervals – ideally every 2 hours – and always having your water bottle close at hand.