Shelley Duvall Dies; The Shining Actress Dead At 75

Shelley Duvall Dies; The Shining Actress Dead At 75

Living with diabetes diagnoses, a smoking habit, and mental illness at 75 years old, Shelley Duvall's last days were likely unpleasant. According to NBC, Gilroy, who had been Duvall's companion since 1989, told the outlet that she'd been in hospice care in the months leading up to her death and was unable to get out of bed. Though it was clear she was not going to get better, Gilroy was already feeling her absence deeply, saying, "She's gone after much suffering. I can't tell you much how much I miss her."

Like with most celebrity deaths, fans and other celebrities took to social media to express their feelings about Duvall's passing. Stephen King, who was famously displeased with Kubrick's adaptation of his novel wrote on X, "Very sorry Shelly Duvall has passed. Wonderful, talented, underused actor." Mia Farrow posted something similar on X, saying, "Very very sad to hear that the unique and truly wonderful actor- Shelley Duvall has died. She leaves us many unforgettable performances."

Though Stanley Kubrick died in 1999, his official X account also left a statement. Calling her career "varied and long," they used the opportunity to point out that Duvall has said she didn't regret working with Kubrick on the Shining. The post reads: "Despite being dogged with exaggerations of her treatment on set, Shelley was always vocal about her experience filming The Shining saying she 'wouldn't trade it for anything' because 'working with loveable Stanley was a fascinating learning experience.'"