Anne Hathaway’s zodiac sign ignited her Oscar-winning career

Anne Hathaway’s zodiac sign ignited her Oscar-winning career

When it comes to one of the greatest actresses you’ll ever see on screen, there is the one-and-only Anne Hathaway.

Having risen to the top of Hollywood as one of the highest paid actresses in the world—with numerous accolades including an Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award, and a Primetime Emmy Award—Hathaway, 39, has found a way to showcase her staying power.

Known for indie films as well as major blockbusters, Hathaway’s ability to shift between characters going through sensational life events has brought her acclaim and adoration on a global level—as well as fierce haters, as well. Now a mother, she’s learned to juggle a bustling professional and personal life.

So what is lifting her up—but also into the line of fire? And who is she underneath it all? Join me as we dive into her stars because I’m a pop culture astrologer and I can see it all.

Anne Hathaway birth chart zodiac signAnne Hathaway is a Scorpio Sun.Getty Images

Anne Hathaway’s birth chart shows she’s captivating—but also mysterious

Anne Hathaway was born on November 12, 1982. This makes her an intense Scorpio Sun with a charming Libra Moon. Her birth time hasn’t been confirmed anywhere online nor with me directly (get at me!), so until that happens, we’ll focus on what we do, in fact, know. When it comes to elemental energy, she is heavily composed of Water and Air. This is what makes her so emotionally potent in her work—but also grants her highly effective communication skills. She’s a thinker—but she is very much a feeler, ultimately.

When it comes to key themes that run through her birth chart, first let me talk about what makes her so enchanting and radiant. First off, her Sun, ruling her life force, is in an exact conjunction—meaning it’s united—with her Venus, the planet of beauty and art. This means that regardless of what anyone says, Hathaway truly is beautiful inside and out.  She’s cheerful and warmhearted and is actually quite sensitive.

Her Sun and Venus are also exactly united with Jupiter, the planet of luck and fortune. This expands these qualities within her to a million degrees, and to be honest, is an extremely rare blessing to have and behold. She was guaranteed honors and material success throughout her life—and she does possess qualities of a leader. However, there’s a softer nature to these leadership qualities, rather than dominating as some others do.

She is a tremendous lover of art and beauty and is social, kind and popular because of all of this. To top this all off, Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication, is also thrown into this great united dance, bringing her intelligence, a quick wit and an independent mind to speak up and go after what she wants. She truly does have luck smile upon her—but she is gracious and proud and knows she’s worked for it and that she possesses raw talent.

Anne Hathaway birth chartAnne Hathaway has a charming Libra Moon.AFP via Getty Images

Now, when looking at why some people may not entirely understand who she is—and may be intimidated by her—there’s a few factors to mention. First off, Neptune, the planet of illusion and imagination, is in her Ascendant. This can make her a visionary in art and allows her to possess a mystique to change up who she is and how she presents herself. This can make her hypnotic and captivating. However, Neptune is also the planet of delusion and deception, which is why some people may not particularly “believe” she is who she says she is or “believe” her in a role. Neptune is linked to Pluto, the planet of intensity, which is what makes her appear so “all or nothing” to some people.

And then, of course, Mars, the planet of war, conflicts to an exact degree with her Midheaven—or public recognition and career. This shows that she’s ambitious and likely to see great success—as she already has—but there may be others out there who seek to present angry roadblocks in front of her.

Oh, and there’s one other thing to mention. She also has another extremely rare union in her birth chart—that of Saturn, the planet of authority, with Pluto, the planet of domination. Sounds intense, right? It is. She does have a strong focus that runs through her soul on power and empire.

So some people might pick that up and then feel salty and resentful about it. My advice? Find something better to do than ripping on others.

Anne Hathaway astrologyAnne Hathaway has some glorious years ahead of her.AFP via Getty Images

What are predictions for Anne Hathaway?

So what lies ahead of her? Let’s take a peek!

First and foremost, she’s going through a major trend around home, domesticity and family. This is because Jupiter will be spending a lot of time here in 2023. However, the other good news is that starting in the summer of 2023, Jupiter will dance into her sector of creativity and fertility—which often denotes a few different things. First, she likely will find more joy with children and second, likely be bursting at the seams with really brilliant creative work. Sometimes this triggers another pregnancy, and with eclipses building in this arena from the end of 2021 until the end of 2023, that could also be something she considers.

Oh! And just more fuel for the haters…if you’re jealous of her because of her wealth, she’s going to keep seeing this grow for quite some time. Honestly, she truly does seem like such a sweetheart underneath it all, I do hope our paths cross. You heard it here first.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the stars

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in “Access Hollywood,” E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Hulu, Bustle, Elite Daily, Marie Claire and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. For more information, visit